Etiquette Title

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An etiquette title is a title used by the reigning champion of a tournament in formal situations in place of his rank.

The "big seven Japanese titles" are ordered in precedence by the amount of prize money on offer.

1. the Kisei
2. the Meijin
3. the Honinbo
4. the Oza
5. the Tengen
6. the Gosei
7. the Judan

An owner of multiple etiquette titles is addressed by the most prestigious of them.

There are also honorary titles, which can be maintained even after losing the tournament. These are often received by winning five editions. An honorary Honinbo title can also come with an etiquette name.

Japanese professionals and their etiquette titles

The currently major titled Japanese professionals are:

In addition, as of early 2022, the Shinjin O is held by Sotoyanagi Sebun, the SGW Cup by Han Zenki, the Kansai Ki-in First Place Championship by Yo Seiki, and the Okan by Ida Atsushi.

This table details the proper etiquette title which should be applied to a Japanese professional at any given time.

The year dates are only approximate, though. eg. Oza (1988) would not mean to use Oza for all of 1988, but rather from the end of the 1988 Oza to the end of the 1989 one. Most of that time might even be in 1989.

The table was originally made [ext] on the OGS forum in July 2021. The forum post had the comment that "there are almost definitely some omissions."

Player Etiquette title
Sekiyama Riichi Honinbo ('41)
Hashimoto Utaro Honinbo ('43, '50-1), Oza ('53, '55-6), Judan ('62, '71)
Iwamoto Kaoru Honinbo ('45-7)
Takagawa Kaku Honinbo ('52–'60), Judan ('65), Meijin ('68)
Shimamura Toshihiro Oza ('57), Tengen ('77)
Fujisawa Hosai Oza ('58), Judan ('64)
Hashimoto Shoji Oza ('59), Judan ('74)
Handa Dogen Oza ('60), Judan ('63), Oza ('65)
Sakata Eio Honinbo ('61-2), Meijin ('63-4), Honinbo ('65-7), Judan ('68), Oza ('71-'72), Judan ('73)
Fujisawa Hideyuki Meijin ('62), Oza ('67-9), Meijin ('70), Tengen ('75), Kisei ('77-'82)
Miyashita Shuyo Oza ('62)
Rin Kaiho Meijin ('65-7), Honinbo ('68), Meijin ('69), Honinbo ('70), Meijin ('70-'73), Judan ('75), Tengen ('89-93)
Otake Hideo Judan ('69), Meijin ('75-6), Gosei ('80-5), Judan ('93-4)
Ishida Yoshio Honinbo ('71-3), Meijin ('74), Honinbo ('75)
Takemiya Masaki Honinbo ('76, '85-8), Judan ('90-2), Meijin ('95)
Cho Chikun Oza ('76), Gosei ('79), Meijin ('80-2), Kisei ('83-5), Gosei ('86), Tengen ('87-8), Honinbo ('89-93), Kisei ('94), Honinbo ('95), Kisei ('96-9), Oza ('01), Judan ('05-7)
Kato Masao Gosei ('76), Honinbo ('77-9), Tengen ('80-1), Oza ('82-9, '93), Honinbo ('02)
Kobayashi Koichi Tengen ('76), Judan ('84-6), Kisei ('86-'93)
Kudo Norio Oza ('77), Tengen ('97)
Kataoka Satoshi Tengen ('82-3)
Hane Yasumasa Tengen ('90)
Ryu Shikun Tengen ('94-5), Oza ('96)
Kobayashi Satoru Kisei ('95)
Yoda Norimoto Judan ('95), Gosei ('96-8), Meijin ('00-3), Gosei ('04-5)
O Rissei Oza ('98-9), Kisei ('00-2), Judan ('03-4)
Cho Sonjin Honinbo ('99)
O Meien Honinbo (2000-1)
Yamashita Keigo Gosei (2000), Kisei ('03), Kisei ('06-9) Honinbo (2010), Meijin (2011-12)
Hane Naoki Tengen (2001-3), Gosei ('11)
Cho U Honinbo (2003), Meijin ('04-5), Kisei ('10-12), Meijin (2018)
Takao Shinji Honinbo (2005-7), Tengen ('14)
Sakai Hideyuki Gosei (2010)
Iyama Yuta Honinbo (2012), Kisei ('13-'21), Meijin ('22--)
Yuki Satoshi Judan (2013)
Murakawa Daisuke Oza (2014), Judan ('19)
Ida Atsushi Judan (2015)
Kyo Kagen Gosei (2018), Judan ('22--)
Shibano Toramaru Meijin (2019), Oza ('20)
Ichiriki Ryo Tengen (2020), Kisei ('22--)
Seki Kotaro Tengen (2021--)

Female etiquette titles

The Female Kisei page gives this order of precedence of the female titles:

With this information, we can construct a list describing appropriate female etiquette title use as well.

Current titleholders

  • Ichiriki Ryo, Kisei
  • Iyama Yuta, Meijin
  • Seki Kotaro, Tengen
  • Kyo Kagen, Judan
  • Fujisawa Rina, Female Honinbo
  • Ueno Asami, Aidu Chuo

Etiquette Title last edited by 2603:9001:6e0b:2694 on February 24, 2024 - 02:38
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