Suzuki Ayumi

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Suzuki Ayumi’s Nihon Ki-In photo

(鈴木歩) Nihon Ki-in female professional 7 dan Go player. Born September 23, 1983 in Tokyo. Student of Iwata Hajime, who also taught Hara Sachiko and others. She married Rin Kanketsu on June 4, 2013.

As of 2024-01-02, Suzuki Ayumi is the [ext] #33 ranked female player and #443 overall, and #6 ranked female player in Japan.

Promotion history

  • 1 and 2 dan in 2001
  • 3 dan in 2002
  • 4 dan in 2007
  • 5 dan in 2010
  • 6 dan in 2011
  • 7 dan in 2016

Titles and runners up

  • 2003: 5th Female Strongest
  • 2007: 9th Female Strongest
  • 2008: Runner-up for 27th Female Honinbo, she lost challenge to Xie Yimin
  • 2010: Reached challenger final for the Female Kisei and 2nd place in the Female Meijin league
  • 2011: Missed a berth in the Kisei league (and instant promotion to 7 dan) by a single game
  • 2020: Won 23rd Female Kisei by defeating Ueno Asami 3d 2–1
  • 2021–22: Runner up to Ueno in the 24th (1–2) and 25th (0–2) editions of the Female Kisei
  • 2024: Runner up to Choi Jung in 6th Senko Cup

Head-to-head scores against current female rivals

(Based on [ext] Suzuki Ayumi, Go Ratings and game list, 4 Oct 2024


Suzuki Ayumi last edited by 2603:9001:6e0b:2694 on October 12, 2024 - 08:41
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