Kyo Kagen

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Kyo Kagen (Japanese: 許 家元 Taiwanese: Hsu Chiayuan (Pinyin Xǔ Jiāyuán), b. 1997-12-24) is a 9-dan Taiwanese professional go player of the Nihon Kiin. He was the pupil of Takabayashi Takuji.

He is known as one of the Three Crows of the Reiwa Era 令和三羽烏, along with Ichiriki Ryo and Shibano Toramaru. He has won 6 titles.

Rank Promotion

2013: 1d
2014: 2d (awarded for 30 wins as 1d)
2016: 3d
2018: 7d
2018: 8d (awarded for winning the 43rd Gosei)
2021: 9d

Titles & Runners-up

Year Title Opponent Result
2013 10th Nakano Cup Hirata Tomoya 1–0
2014 1st Globis Cup runner-up Ichiriki Ryo 0–1
2016 3rd Globis Cup runner-up Li Qincheng 0–1
2018 43rd Gosei Iyama Yuta 3–0
2019 44th Gosei runner-up Hane Naoki 2–3
2021 59th Judan Shibano Toramaru 3–2
2022 60th Judan Yu Zhengqi 3–0

Fun Facts

  • In 2013, Kyo played 18 official games (16 wins, 2 losses; 88.9% was the best record in the year), winning 10 games in a row from 2013-10-03 to 2013-12-30. He extended his winning streak to 13 consecutive wins on before losing to Oya Koichi. On 2014-03-27, his record was 14 wins, 1 loss (with a new winning streak of 11 consecutive wins), the best among Japanese pros at the time.
  • In 2018, Kyo won the Gosei title after 5 years 4 month from becoming a professional 1 dan. This was a new record at the time for the shortest time taken from becoming a pro to winning a title tournament in Japan. (Later surpassed by Shibano Toramaru's 5 years 1 month and Seki Kotaro's 4 years 8 months.)



  • A news segment from Taiwanese TV about him winning Gosei and making a speed record for fastest title since becoming a pro. [ext] YouTubel link
  • A news segment from Taiwanese TV about him defending his Judan title in 2022. [ext] YouTube link
  • 2022 Judan ceremony. Kyo speaks after 11:50 mark. [ext] YouTube link


hsu chiayuan apr2022 (Image credit: 12)
hsu chiayuan apr2022 (Image credit:

hsu chiayuan apr2022 (Image credit: 14)
hsu chiayuan apr2022 (Image credit:

shibano toramaru hsu chiayuan judan apr2023 (Image credit: 16)
shibano toramaru hsu chiayuan judan apr2023 (Image credit:

hsu chiayuan gu zihao mlily 2023 (Image credit: 18)
hsu chiayuan gu zihao mlily 2023 (Image credit:

hsu chiayuan gu zihao mlily 2023 (Image credit: 20)
hsu chiayuan gu zihao mlily 2023 (Image credit:

Kyo Kagen last edited by Jono64a on July 15, 2024 - 22:17
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