Go Editing Programs
There are a number of software packages that you can use to record games, review and edit game records, produce images and teach yourself go. This page is for the discussion of software for these purposes.
Most go software is multi-functional. Some programs are go clients, some are go editing programs, and some are both. These packages should be reviewed from different angles.
MtnViewMark: For example, my own situation, that I'm sure many share, is this: After I play my games (live or on-line), I then take the electronic game record (I use PilotGOne to record live ones on my hand-held computer) and review it, adding comments. Later, I need to take some of these games and print them out so I can go over them with my teacher (in person, over a real board).
Table of contents |
Go Editing/Recording Programs
- BW-Go
- Android SGF player, editor and recorder.
- CompoGo
- Freeware Windows 95 and higher in English and German
- Unfortunately the development and the support for the programs had to be finished in 2003.
- still available as
download at cnet (last visited july 2015)
- Drago (Windows)
- Freeware SGF editor
- database functionality through libkombilo
- easy browsing through different variations with good visual feedback (for example in joseki sgf files)
- EidoGo - open-source, web-based SGF editor
- Can upload and save files on the server
- Joseki tutor based on Kogo's Joseki Dictionary
- Pattern search
- I like this one, no need to start an editor and load Kogo´s, just hit the bookmark for the site. Great Work! Thank you! --Anonymous
- gGo
- Freeware Java client for IGS and SGF editor
- Go Assistant
http://www.airsltd.com/goassistant/ (Windows) Not to be confused with Go Game Assistant.
- The Assistant includes a variations Editor, IGS Client subsystem, and a full OLE server for inclusion of Go games and problems directly into OLE container applications such as Word for Windows, WordPerfect, etc.
- Willemien December 2008: program doesn't seem to be in development anymore id write maker.
- GoGui
- GoGui is a graphical interface for go bots and SGF editor
- GoCE (Pocket PC)
- Go Game Assistant (Windows)
- Go Game Assistant is a comprehensive tool for Go games. It contains a total of 33,103 professional games and 4,372 josekies. It can help you play, study Go games, comment a game with reference inserts, play online, record, print, manage Go files, convert different formats, and it even includes coaching courses. In addition, it help you study Go game and manage your Go game records collections very expediently. By now ,it is the best editor which supports SGF files, and is the best program which reads Go game records. I am confident that this software provides Go fans with a friendly, convenient, and efficient environment to study the Go. Come on and try it right now! No matter you are a professional player or an amateur, Go Game Assistant is surely your best assistant to improve your skills.. Shareware.
- January 2014 : website closed, download easily found.
- GoGinkgo
http://goginkgo.github.io - open-source, web-based SGF editor
- Board scales dynamically to fill page / window
- Can save / load SGF files to / from local machine
- GoGoD95
http://www.gogod.co.uk (Windows)
- This program comes as part of the Gogod (Games of Go on Disk) encyclopaedia. Designed principally for adding games to the GoGoD database, it therefore does not handle variations but contains a converter for lunar dates and various other features that ensure ease of input and accuracy of game data. An older version is available free on the MSO site, but the commercial CD version also combines with GoScorer? and John Fairbairn's Names Dictionary and tournament encyclopaedia.
- Go-Heaven? http://www.go-heaven.de/ LINK DEAD
- Still looks like it is in its initial phases. It crashes every once and a while, but I like the game tree.
- GoHome
reisz.de/gohome @ archive.org (Windows)
- SGF editor
- many features, gtp protocol, problem files, 6x6 solution, printing and exporting diagrams, can create problem files, pattern search, allows sgf source code level editing, document/view architecture, is fast
- GoKnot (Windows)
- Gome (Java)
- Go assistant for mobile phones and PDAs
- GoRilla (Windows)
- A freeware SGF game editor / viewer / reader for Go.
- Version 18 has been released ( April 2020 ). Further developments are planned for the future.
- Go Suite (Pocket PC)
- GoWrite
- GOWrite 2 is free. GOWrite 2 is FF4 compatible java version. Windows, Linux (rpm) and Mac installers available.
- TakeNGive: Inexpensive shareware (and free if you use it less than once a week, I think), mostly intended to make diagrams for printing on paper via a word processor -- excellent for this purpose. I'm not sure how well it handles variations, and it doesn't seem to understand some SGF4 attribute tags.
- It can mirror and rotate a position. Board can have any size, including non-square.
- GridMaster
- Full featured SGF reader/editor for Android.
- Hibiscus?
http://www.euronet.nl/users/amba/index.html (Windows)
- A general purpose recorder/editor program. There is a fair amount of diagram and printing control.
- The current version, 2.1, dates back to 1998. It is currently not maintained.
- Igowalker
- An environment for publishing and viewing narrative-centric go content, including game commentaries and teaching materials.
- Jago
- free (GPL) Java Go Client and SGF editor
- JimmyGo (Micro Java)
- MaxiGos
http://jeudego.org/maxiGos/index.php?lang=en - open-source, web-based SGF player/editor
- mgo?
http://www.mobilego.org (Mobile phones and other mobile devices (J2ME), OpenSource, free)
- 2-player gaming
- Game recording
- SGF export (if supported by device)
- SGF upload to collaborative Go web service (www.egoban.org)
- Miniban (Pocket PC)
- mugo
http://code.google.com/p/mugo/ compiled for under both Windows and Unixes (Qt-libraries); open source (GPL).
- MultiGo (Windows 98,ME,2000,XP etc.)
- Full featured SGF editor/viewer with GNUGo playing capabilities.
- Freeware, closed source.
- Ogatak?
- Though primarily a KataGo GUI, also serves as an SGF editor.
- PilotGOne (PalmOS)
- PocketGoban Japanese game recording/viewing program for some older handheld devices
- q5go. Derived from qGo and enhanced with modern features. Works under both Windows and Unixes. Open source.
- qGo. Written in C++. Use Qt-widgets. Works under both Windows and Unixes. Open source.
- RubyGo
http://rubygo.rubyforge.org/. Written in Ruby. Runs under Window and Unix. Open Source.
- rubyforge.org shutdown on 2014-02. RubyGo seem to have died, since it doesn't seem to have migrated. But it is available on Web Archive:
- rubyforge.org shutdown on 2014-02. RubyGo seem to have died, since it doesn't seem to have migrated. But it is available on Web Archive:
- Sabaki
- An elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age. Cross-platform and open source.
- Sente Goban -- (Mac OS X)
- [!SGFEditor] -- reads and writes .sgf files, edits game trees, etc. It has several useful commands for reviewing games, including saving in reverse view to give a copy to your opponent. You can also just use it as a Go board to play a game. This app is open source at sgfeditor.codeplex.com.
- SGF Summarizer?
- Not a SGF editor, but a command-line tool to export SGF game header infos (like players' name and ranks, results, file names, etc.) to a text file. Open source, written in Python.
- SmartGo (Windows)
- A general purpose tool to enter, play, replay, annotate, study, organize, and print Go games. By the creator of SGF.
- StoneBase (Windows)
- Free Go database, SGF editor, player(using GNU Go). Has english and chinese versions.
- Universal 3D Chess
http://www.voilamonsieur.com/ (Windows)
- A free 2D/3D game editor with many features (Game play in 3D, advanced camera movements, multiple language support, advanced game tree, full screen support for demo/events ...)
http://yamgt.midway.hu/ - Yet Another Mobile Go Tool, is a full featured sgf parser and editor for J2ME mobile phones. Open source.
- PSP GO (Sony Playstation Portable)
PSP GGO (For PSP's with custom firmware)
- This is different from the above program from what I can tell. A port of GNU Go for PSP (meaning a CPU player), complete with GUI, board sizes from 5x5 - 19x19, and SGF saving/opening. I haven't tested to see if comments work on this, but it doesn't seem like they would. Should work on pretty much any firmware since there's a 1.50 version as well as one for 3.XX and up (including 5.00). It hasn't been updated in a year, maybe we should get on Zx-81's case to get him to implement server play.
- DSgf?
http://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgf - SGF editor for the Nintendo DS.
- XuanXuanGo
http://www.xuanxuango.com - SGF editor and replayer, can be used for problem collections
- YuanYu
https://github.com/yenw/yuanyu - A Go program for reading and editing SGF files.
- [WildCard Go!],
http://sites.google.com/site/goboardproject( For Windows XP/Vista)
- Go game documentation and review
- Play with external Go engine
- Life and Dead/Best move study
- Go engine development and evaluation
Drawing Programs
Game analysis programs
WildCard For Windows
Custom Sounds - Several relatively authentic sounds for use with Go software (mono PCM .WAV, tested with MFoG and glGo)
what would you like?
- go software for the future What would the ulimate go software would be capable of (not only playing but assisting study, and all other things you would go software to be able off)
See also
- Go Typesetting
- Symbols
- More URLs via Gobase's
SGF editors link collection.
- A syntax highlighting mode-file for sgf in the popular open-source text Editor, jEdit (see under "Various")
BGA: Playing through and Creating Game Records