In Go literature, diagrams are almost always adorned with a few special symbols (markup) such as triangles, alphanumerics etc. This page intends to act as a reference as to when and how to use symbols.
Until now, the use of symbols has been fairly intuitive; re-using symbols for other ends would not give major problems, although some kind of convention already exist.
The material here is a mere condensation of information found on RGG as well as other sources. (Please use the discussion page for comments.)
Table of contents |
Symbols in ASCII diagrams: ASCII markup
- intersection on the goban
'|', '+', '-'
- board edges, corners
',' '+'
- white stone
'#', 'X'
- black stone
digit (1..9)
- sequence of moves (make sure to state which side is using the odd numbers)
- the compact nature of ASCII diagrams requires to limit to single-digit move numbers; use more diagrams to show longer play sequences.
- variations
Symbols used by applications: SGF/print markup
Following symbols have existed for a while.
Number, digit (
- denote playing sequences
- in lowercase, used on empty intersections to show moves in a variation. Japanese go materials would commonly use hiragana or katakana (often in the "i-ro-ha" order).
- used as capital letters, to designate a set of choices from which to continue
- mark a formation/point that is being talked about
Circle (
- a stone breaking the ladder, a group in danger
- can be used in diagrams to refer to a move that is played on top of an existing stone (see also HowToReadDiagrams)
- indicate an eye
- highlight the last move (mainly used in applications, less in diagrams)
Open square (
- cGoban2 uses a square to denote a ko
- counting: territory
- mark dead stones
Other symbols
Following symbols are mostly used by applications, but generally not stored in game records.
Filled square
- used by some applications to denote the status of an intersection (black, white, Dame, undetermined)
shading, dimmed points
- moyo
New symbols, concepts
Following symbols could become part of the existing set of widely recognised symbols. See discussion page for status.
- Arrow
- Line
- Diamond
- blinking or pulsing
- Igowalker has the ability to pulse stones to emphasize them. This allows the stone to be identified even if it already has a number on it.
- semi-transparent stones to denote sibling moves (e.g. GlGo)
- '!'
- Good move
- '?'
- Bad move
Sporadicly used annotations (but available in sgf)
- '!!'
- Very good move
- '!?'
- Interesting move
- '?!'
- Doubtful move
- '??'
- Very bad (losing) move
- '= ='
- Very even position (Joseki)
- '='
- Even position
- '~'
- Unclear position
- '~ ~'
- Very unclear position
See also
Discussion of FF[5], the next version of SGF
- HowToReadDiagrams
- Game Score Notation