Xuan Xuan Go
XuanXuanGo is a shareware SGF editor and replayer ...
... and can be used for problem collections. tderz
''Game editing and reading XuanXuanGo has the complete functions for Go game editing and reading, supports most of SGF properties and does extension to the popular format. Game editing and reading is the basics of life-and-death and joseki. Following picture is the interface of game editing.''
Extension to SGF File format
SGF file format is the de-facto standard of Go game files. XuanXuanGo supports almost all of its properties, excepts for drawing lines, arrows, and a handful of other properties which XuanXuanGo takes as unnecessary. Although SGF is very popular, it has some limitations: no file description, no file type information--is this an ordinary game file? or is it a joseki file? or is it a problem file? Type information is important, as programs use different ways to open files of different types. The properties for each move in a game are not enough. XuanXuanGo introduces a new file type to address above problems, many new properties for Go problems, Joseki, and Go tutorial materials are added. The new file format is called XGF (XuanXuanGo File), it's binary and more efficient in storage uses.
XuanXuanGo is a shareware, registering the program will get more game data. Although currently the trial version program is full functional, this may change in the future. Your support motivates the author to do further development. If you want to register, please contact via email: xuanxuan_go@yahoo.com
Latest update
the latest software update is 7.3.2 (august 2011)
The latest new options are:
Support for IGS
- Added for IGS, under command mode, use "stats <player name>" to query player info, including players that are offline
- Added for IGS, the user can query his/her info in Settings dialog, showing how many game should win or lose to upgrade or degrade
- Added for IGS, the Recent Results dialog box shows how many games won or lost
UI improvements:
- Improved the stone drawing method, stones draw fast and look better
- Added Mouse cursor shows the color of next move
- Added Ctrl-Tab/Shift-Ctrl-Tab switch among game tabs
- Added Dragging game tabs to change their position
- Added toolbar button for forward/backward 8 moves
- Added show coordination of 'I'
- Improved game tree
- Added supporting white komi, which is very common on IGS
- Improved joseki interface: random move in joseki file enters
Interview with the author: http://rusgo.org/XuanXuanGo/