WinMGT is an SGF editor. You can find it at I comes bundled with a database tool: WinMCT (My Collection Tool).
- supports board sizes 2x2 - 19x19
- can convert Ishi-format files (*.go) to sgf
- can split sgf collection files
- can strip properties from sgf files
- supports tutor mode (accepts stones only at places like in the original sgf)
- exports ascii diagrams for e.g. usenet posts
User Comments
RiffRaff: Support and development seems to have been abandoned for this product. The last web site update was in December 2003 and the last message from Hui Huang on the guestbook was in April 2004. Final versions look to be v0.87 for WinMGT and v1.04 for WinIGC (the Go Client).
- RueLue: The
waterfire page tells us to send questions to (kogo at waterfire, subject=re: WinMGT 0.87), maybe he is the author.
TakeNGive: Great shareware MS-Windows program for SGF files; handles variations well, and has useful "go to next comment" and "next variation" features. Can translate SGF into ASCII and back. Handles large files well (such as Kogos Joseki Dictionary). I love it, partly for the many keyboard shortcuts.
Dieter: What bothers me in the latest version is that when variations unfold, the "var" node shows all moves until the next branch. The annoting effect is that when you go to the next move, all minus one moves disappear, so that the added move doesn't jump to the eye. Does someone know how to disable this ?
jvt: A few questions to the experts: is there any way to:
- reorder variations?
- play first move as white? (can be useful for problems)
- CTRL+T: toggle stone
RueLue: it doesn't save standard sgf files: (;B[dd];W[kd];B[pd];W[oj];B[fj]) is the output ("FF[4]" is missing), but CGoban eats it without grumbling.
The program can export ascii diagrams for e.g. usenet posts, but cannot convert them back to sgf (0.87).
It does not force standard compatible entries for game infos (it accepts komi = 4,5, result = b+6,5) - as most programs.