qGo is an editor for sgf files and a client for IGS and other servers with the same protocol. qGo is full featured and coming along nicely. It can be downloaded for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Table of contents |
- >17 server und userpresets
- ignore list, trail list
- anti-clicko (1/4 sek delay)
- play with invisible stones
- komi can only be set to x.5
- full screen mode (F11, board window only)
- board sizes 4x4 up to 36x36
- minus-komi possible
- export/import of ascii diagrams: set, which character represents which function, so e.g. * or + for hoshi, x or # for black etc.
- textures for board (tiled, also rectangular textures); stones plain, simple 3d or nice shell (similar to cgoban)
- auto-replay, speed: 1/10 second up to 5 seconds [2] or according to time info in the sgf (KGS stores it)
- runs on any Qt capable platform (Windows, *NIX, Mac OS X)
- (1.5.4 in Ubuntu) editor: new board settings default to 19x19 inspite of last game being other size
- Bugs (in 2.0.0)
- The save game function omits the AB property needed to save the position of handicap stones (see also
Stack Exchange).
- The save game function omits the AB property needed to save the position of handicap stones (see also
Development Snippets
qGo was the predecessor of gGo. Its developer, Peter Strempel, migrated it to Java and renamed it gGo. Later, others took up the development of qGo and made it a sourceforge project, once again based on C++ and the Qt toolkit.
It has been comprehensively enhanced by the developers recently (early 2006)
The latest stable version (1.5.4) appears to be from March 2008.
qGo2, Compile, Install
qGo2 is a promising opensource client, supporting multiple servers such as IGS, WING, LGS, CyberORO, Tygem, eWeiqi and Tom. It's written with Qt5 and works under Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
The project is now located at https://github.com/pzorin/qgo, and is being maintained by a different developer. Instructions for obtaining are there.
There is a build for MacOS 10.8 available here: http://shablag.com/files/qGo2_Mac.dmg
q5go is a port by crux of the old qGo to Qt5 (superseding q4go for Qt4). It is intended for those who prefer the old user interface, and contains a few new features such as ASCII export for SL-style diagrams and SVG vector graphics export. It is unrelated to the qGo2 effort. It is available in source form
as a git repository and as a Windows binary.
Links, Latest Info
http://qgo.sourceforge.net/ homepage of qGo and qGo2
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=qgo-announce2 qGo2 announce
- [1] Authors: 0.x + 1.x: Emmanuel Béranger, Johannes Mesa, Peter Strempel; 2.x: E. Beranger, Peter Van Bohning
- [2] (1.5.4 in Ubuntu) auto-replay speed: for what 1/10th second, cannot be set accurately: "7.5" (assuming seconds) were actually around 5 seconds, "10" were 1/10 second (bug).
- [3] qGo (1.5.4 in Ubuntu) pretends to be able to open xml game-files, but a test with the
example file from red-bean.com was no success. --RueLue