Mtn View Mark
Hiho everyone! I'm a low kyu player in (surprise) Mountain View, California. I can be found playing now most at the Go Center Of Second Life in the virtual world Second Life. I'm known as "Zarf Vantongerloo" there.
I used to play regularly at the Sunnyvale Go Club.
(This site disappeared in late 2014 or early 2015. See snapshots.)
I think my ShusakuNumber might be 6:
- Shusaku (0) -- Iwasaki Kenzo (1) -- Shusai (2) -- Iwamoto Kaoru (3) -- James Kerwin (4) -- Shygost (5) -- MtnViewMark (6)
My home page has more info about me. You are also welcome to
e-mail me.
I am a confirmed RecentChanges junkie. I've also been given the title "RecentChangesJunkiesNightmare" (thank you Stefan... really! :-) I got that title for my massive twenty page edit of the Scoring and Counting pages.
In addition to learning to be a better player, my other Go interests are: Scoring systems, Counting methods and teaching Go to beginners, especially children. Recently, I've been /Thinking About Scoring again (as I build a game reporting system for the automated gobans in Second Life).