Go software for Android.
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Local Software
Acego Early access 3 is an Android SGF viewer, you can view your own SGF files from your sd card or directly by clicking on a file in a browser
The app is available on the android marketplace for free.
Check videoreview
Agora Go
Agora Go is designed for 2 players playing on the same device. All games are automatically saved with thumbnails for easy browsing. Paused games can be resumed later on. Finished games can be played back for review. Supports SGF file import and export as well.
anDGS is an Android client for the Dragon Go Server (DGS) and a sgf game recorder/player.
The app is free and available on Google Play or directly from
My website.
ArenaGo is a Go (Weiqi, Baduk) match record database containing over 50,000 amazing matches and over 1,400 legendary Go players from 23 countries. You can search matches based on player name, nationality and play date. You can also search matches between two players. It also shows a player's life time performance. The entire history of legends is on your hand now.
AQ go can run and download Leela, Elf and AQ go weight files.
On a Galaxy S5 Elf v.1 beat a KGS 5d and lost twice to an 7/8d with H2. Leela 189 beat a 4d and lost twice to a 5d. (This involves manually putting the moves in).
github discussion
AQGO_2.0.0 download
a related website
BadukPop has Tsumego practice, AI opponents, online play, and interactive lessons. Free, with some limits on daily play (optional subscription removes all limits).
BW-Go is an SGF recorder and viewer for Android phones & tablets, with all tools on a single screen. It has a read-only review tool with hint button so you can replay interesting games without fear of changing them. Also includes Kogo's Joseki Dictionary.
BW-Go is available through Google Play, in a paid and a free version. Now plays GNUGO as well.
ElyGo is a complete Android app. It includes :
- An SGF editor (which loads Kogo's Joseki Dictionary)
- Over 500 tsumego with answers as well as bad variations
- a Challenge mode where you have to solve a set of problems in a limited time (includes a monocolor mode)
- Play with a bot
- Import your own game database
- Play and observe games on IGS
Gobandroid HD
Gobandroid HD is a opensource goban for Android
The app is available on
Google Play for free. Also on
GitHub and
- SGF read/write
- Play against GnuGo
- Tsumego
- Review Games
- support for a lot of Languages
- edit games ( Markers, .. )
- Bookmarks
- ..
A port of the GoGrinder Java application to Android. GoGrinder can be purchased through the Android Market
GOSU Games
GOSU Games contains a database with 65.000 professional games for you to explore and test your knowledge with.
GOSU Joseki
GOSU Joseki is a useful Kogo's Joseki Dictionary viewer with the option to compare several joseki at the same time.
The free GridMaster app contains a full featured SGF reader/editor, a lite version of Steenvreter, and a GTP interface to play other artificial opponents (such as GnuGo or Pachi). It can be used as a tool to play, study joseki, solve problems, make diagrams, annotate games, etc. The help provides an introduction to Go as well as some links to more information.
PJTraill 2023-06-25 I have tried to install this on a Fairphone 4 5G running Android 12 with 8Gb memory and 200/256 Gb storage free and it just says “This app is not available for your device”, without explaining why or stating the requirements, and the developer page contained no contact details.
Hactar Go
Hugoban is a go application for Android.
antinoun: Far and away the best SGF viewer/editor for Android (not saying much). I really wish SmartGo was available for Android, but that may take a year or two...
The link seems to be broken (2024-04-27)
Android Go Problems
Solve go problems. Free. Find it at AndroidMarket?. (no longer available)
Magic Baduk Go-weiqi,igo
Magic Baduk Go-weiqi,igo is an app with life and death and tesuji problems.
Master of Go
Master of Go is a new Android program with 1,020 problems as of 16 May 2011. They are sorted into four categories, from easy to hard. The only problem is you have to scroll through all of the problems to get to a given level. That said, I found even the "easy" ones to be worthwhile for my level (1k). Once you get to a given level, it does give you the next problem automatically. User interface seems pretty good, and it does interact with you on most problems. The other nice feature is it has all sorts of problems, from life and death, to endgame, to connections, etc... Overall, it was well worth the 99 cents.
EDIT - Wow, the day after I posted this, the developer released a new update that fixes the level selection problem I mentioned! How cool is that? I love Android, you just don't get this kind of developer response from Apple, lol.
(appears missing in Play store though)
Edit: 2023 not in playstore, but available for iPhones
noGo is an open-source goban for game recording/viewing/editing , with features including the ability to open/edit multiple games simultaneously, option to replace/insert moves and rearrange the game tree, guess mode (with hints), and ~1000 preloaded pro games. (appears missing in Play store)
Panda-Tetsuki, now called Pandanet(Go).
The most complete IGS client for iOS is now also Android phones. See the website for more information.
Tsumego Free
Tsumego(life and death) is an app with life and death problems. Over 3500 Problems, Free.
Tsumego Pro
Tsumego Pro has a large collection of problems. They include all valid answers and a lot of bad variations, to help you know why you are wrong.
Comes with 100 free problems, other packages can be bought for a low price. It lets you try 10 problems before buying a package to get an idea of the kind of problems you will find inside.
Allows for playing games against AI (Author has ported GnuGo as an example, available for free on the market), studying games with an auto-play mode, practicing Tsumego, and studying Joseki. Doesn't come with any studying files, but supports most SGF, including Kogo's Joseki Dictionary. Has an ad-supported free version ("WeGoIgo Lite") and an ad-free paid version for $2.49, all available on the Google Play. Description on Google Play, and some information at
the author's blog
Version 2.0 (currently only available in the paid version) supports reviewing games (editing comments and adding various annotations) and also includes a tool to download some SGF collections to get you started.
Yoo Chang hyuk's life and death classes
HughJfan: a very nice set of applications in my opinion. A series of 1,800 life and death problems, with good quality graphics. What makes it special is that you only get limited time to do each problem and get more points the quicker you complete them. The reason for the points system is that the app then synchronises with an online leader board so you can compete with other people to reach the number one position. There is a free version you can download to try it out. Also, the problems are divided into easy/medium/hard and you can either buy just one group at a time or all three in one go (saving 33 percent). There is also the option to take a test - which will assign you to a level. Beginner's level was easy for me (8-9k, KGS). Note: some of the screen shots in the Android Market show Korean language menus, but the Android Market version has been translated into English.
SiouxDenim The "(Lite)Yoo's Life&death" app requires the "directly call phone numbers" and "precise location (GPS and network-based)" permissions, which could be costly and allow one's privacy to be invaded. If one owns a rooted phone it is possible to revoke these permissions; the software happily works without them.
Geza? I had this Android app (paid version) on my previous phone, but could not find it on app store any more. Finally I found the Korean version (which I would not mind), but it doesn't know that I have already paid for it. Does anyone know what to do?
Artificial Opponents
BadukAI - Katago, free
GOdroid (GNU Go)
This piece of software allows you to play against GnuGo 3.8. According to the developer, its strength ranges from 8k to 12k.
The app is available on the android marketplace for free.
Check extended review
Go Free, Go (Aya)
Market links: Go Free,
10 different levels of strength, ranging from 30 to approximately 15 kyu. Free version supports 9x9, 13x13 boards, and 19x19 is limited to only first 60 moves - paid version removes this limitation.
Ginsei Igo
SilverStar. Market link: Silver Star Igo
Crazy Stone
Market links:
最強の囲碁 ~Crazy Stone~ (Japanese version),
Champion Go ~Crazy Stone~ (English version)
A lite version of Steenvreter is included in GridMaster
Server Clients
Pandanet(Go)? is the official IGS client for mobile devices. Pandanet(Go) is good looking, feature-rich and free.
WBaduk, World baduk client for android phones. See the website for more information on
Go Quest Online
Go Quest Online?is a client for android phones.You can start playing online immediately after download.
- It's free. You can choose from 9x9 or 13x13 board.
.The result is automatically decided by the server according to the Chinese rules. website. Be warned that many players on this server will not pass if you are low on time. Games frequently become No Pass Go.
anDGS is an Android client for the Dragon Go Server (DGS) and a sgf game editor.
The app is free and available on the
Android marketplace, the
Handster marketplace or directly from the
anDGS website.
Dragon Go App
DragonGoApp is an Android client for the Dragon Go Server (DGS). It is free and open-source, it does not depend on the Google Service Framework, it does not transfer any personal data - even not for statistics - and it preserves your privacy. It is compatible with old Android terminals (from Gingerbread). You may download the apk from
here, or compile it from
Koalago is a nonfree go program for Android with IGS support. KoalaGo
The app is available on the android marketplace for free.
Check videoreview
Goigo is a commerical IGS client (costs £2.50). It has the best interface of all the Android clients. Check out a video review of the old version before the interface was redone
Check videoreview
Hugoban is a go application for Android.
antinoun: Far and away the best SGF viewer/editor for Android (not saying much). I really wish SmartGo was available for Android, but that may take a year or two...
There is a KGS client for Android cellphones. See more on the KGS help pages. It costs $14.99, and you get two free months of KGS Plus when you buy it.
AndroidNoGo Lite
Play online on IGS server or review over 50,000 professional games from the SGF Database in one application only. The app is ad supported and was developed for Android OS 1.6 and higher. Unfortunately, the ads served from
AdMob, are placed immediately below the game navigation buttons. As a result, it is very easy to touch the ad in place of the navigation button and be directed away from the game to the ad site. A marked flaw in an otherwise good application. Learn more on
Igo Clock
Igo Clock
Supports absolute timing, Canadian and Japanese byo-yomi, Fischer timing, Bronstein timing, Hourglass and a lot of additional options (for example time warnings) and features.
Go Clock
Go Clock is a free clock for Android available on the Google Play Store.
Real Chess Clock
Real Chess Clock is a free clock for Android.
I supports Japanese byoyomi and can warn you in the final 5 seconds of a period. The only problem is it lets you play with 0 periods remaining, so you have to set the period number to one smaller than the desired number of periods.
Chess Clock for Android
Never mind the name, I like "Chess Clock for Android" by Tomas Hubálek. I think it makes an excellent go timer. Configurable settings include Japanese byo-yomi (both variable number of periods and variable number of seconds). Several sound and vibration options, including 5 seconds warning sound. Fairly nice looks too. Mind to make a walk through the app to see all options (scroll). Minor drawbacks not to speak of as it is a free app (!). Facet: The settings are via the menu button and so the app cannot be used on a tablet and so it has received some negative comments.
ProGibo? Viewer
ProGibo? Viewer by Wigomobile has several features, including a go clock. Korean (?) warning count down voice.
Joseki Software
WeGoIgo is capable of loading Kogo's Joseki Dictionary. More information can be found at Google Play and
the author's blog