Jimmy Go
Keywords: Software
JimmyGo (J2ME Go) is an SGF viewer for the Micro Java platform. It runs on Java phones (which is most smartphones nowadays) and Java-enabled PDAs which support CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 (which is just about all). It supports the following features currently (4/04):
- Load SGF files over the web
- Keeps a local editable database of games
- Steps through the file in either direction, or jump to start/end
- Zoom in on the board
By the time you read this it may also support
- Traversing variations properly
- Displaying comments from the SGF
- Appending "test moves" onto the end of a node
For more information see JimmyGo Home Page.
JimmyGo is an open source application. Current plans include using it as a base to create a Dragon Go Server client and other ways to play go wirelessly.
--ColJac (The developer)