Hi. I am Ben Axelrod and this is my page. I am about a 20 kyu on Dragon Go Server where my user name is BAxelrod. I am a software developer for
CoroWare, Inc..
Ben is married to a wonderful woman named Zarah on May 30, 2004.
I am the webaster of this page: NAMI Champaign County. And here is my personal home page:
I am the author of Ti Go. A simple program for the TI-83 graphing calculator that allows you to play go ona 9x9 board against another player.
"Go is like karate for the mind." - Me (I think)
zinger: Ben, it was good to see you at our local club meeting in the student union at UIUC. Hopefully, you can make it back sometimes and have a few games with us.