Keywords: Software
CompoGo is a freeware sgf-file editor and multi-talent for Windows. Last published version is 2.0 (2003)[2].
Table of contents |
Unique Features
- converts pictures of Go boards (bmp, jpg, gif) to sgf files
- Client for DGS
- create text documents with embedded graphics and goboards to go through a game while reading the corresponding text; the documents are a bit similar to SmartGo Books
- is a client for IGS and DGS (presets: each up to 8 accounts)
- IGS: auto-hello, ignore list, trail list, setup for autoupdate of lists (games, users)
- can export a game (or the games from the image conversions) to html (with replayer, uses JavaScript); automatic upload all x seconds to ftp-server)
- can export sgf to email or to clipboard
- supports board sizes 5x5 up to 25x25
- can connect to gnugo (or another engine?) to play against it
- engine-play: timed games possible
- can build a games database
- has an editable language file for creating more GUI languages (now: English beside the hardcoded German)
- tutor mode
- automatic replay (speed not adjustable, but not too fast)
- custom textures for board (not tiled) and stones (both stones in one bitmap)
- play over network (pc to pc, GMP?)
- Links in the program are now redirected to a p.rn page (so don't give it your kids :-)
- CompoGo page with complete program descriptions in
- Download is still possible at
- Some functions in the program require MS-Internet Explorer being installed.
[1] CompoGo's own file formats:
- .cogodoc (binary) CompoGo's documents format for text, images, game viewing (intended for articles, see menu "Options" - "Articles" and load the demo.cogodoc file from the CompoGo directory); the documents are a bit similar to SmartGo Books
- .cogof (text + binary), database, uses parts of sgf:
#;FF[4]GM[1]AP[CompoGo:2.0]SZ[19]PB[N.N.]PW[N.N.] (+ binary code) for every in this file saved game;
for one .cogof-file 2 more files are produced and not deleted after closing the program - .cogofidx (binary)
- .cogoftmp (content e.g. = "0|-1", 4 bytes + cr/lf)
possibly they are needed for the database function
[2] A page saved by (may.'08) says, that the development stopped in 2003 ("Unfortunately the development and the support for the programs had to be finished in 2003."), but in the program's info it says copyright 2005-2007.