Dieter's study of Otake game 4

    Keywords: Game commentary

The fourth game under study is a tough one. It contains many moves that switch from one side of the board to the other. These moves show the relationships the pros see between seemingly unrelated parts of the board. The game is a great teaching resource for that purpose, although Otake has no match in the unconvincing Hanadate Maasaki?. Otake-san is White.

Moves 11 to 20  

The lower left is settled fast, with a known joseki up to W20. The lower right is hot, after Black has abandoned it in favour of a position on the right side.

Moves 31 to 40  

Up to B31, White takes the corner for Black influence. W32 is an unusually short extension. I don't like the opening that much for White. But B33 looks suspiciously close to the already overconcentrated white shape. Up to W40 launches a successful attack.

Moves 41 to 50  

The windmill in the centre becomes the focus of the game. The corners are evenly divided, there is still an open left side, so the centre will be decisive here.

Moves 71 to 80  

The groups have run towards White's lower side formation. Black has used his aji there and builds up great influence with B71 and B73. It looks as if W74 is fighting desperately in Black's influence. Especially when B79 forces the lump at W80 Black's game looks better.

Moves 81 to 90  

But then Black cuts at B83 and the cut doesn't seem to bring much good. W86 threatens to capture the pivotal stones. On top of that, B89 moves away from the front. There is something in Black's moves I don't understand.

Moves 91 to 100  

Next there seems to be a trade, of the pivotal stones against White's top group. But that group is flexible. B97 looks very slow in making good shape for Black's spread out stones. With W98 Otake takes command of this game. B99 is another move I cannot applaud (I will regularly apologize for my scolding pro moves - it expresses my lack of understanding). White's move 100 invites a corner invasion.

Moves 111 to 120  

We skip the well known invasion pattern, up to B13. Otake wants to force with W4 and Black tries to counter with a forcing move at B15. But this must be (another) mistake, since W16 is a painful answer, intruding the sphere of influence Black had built up as a compensation for losing the central power. So he answers with B17 and White now splits Black's forces at the right half of the board with W18. Otake clearly enjoys the power of his centre stones! (I think W20 is some kind of a time suji.

Moves 141 to 150  

Skipping 20 moves we see how Otake moves against the bottom group to weaken a potential connection from the top group, instead of rushing to play at B47 himself.

Moves 161 to 170  

There have been some endgame moves in between. W62 is what I would call an Otake-move: it threatens to cut up the groups again. I feel B63 is rather docile.

Moves 171 to 180  

Black tries to show some of his own reducing skills, but W78 is unimpressed and strikes another blow at Black's thickness. Despite all moves Black has invested here, the group now still needs the connection at a. White cannot break through immediately, but still the loss of strength at the bottom is rather humiliating.

Moves 191 to 200  

Otake's thickness has yielded the big endgame sente hanes and now he turns to the fantastic sequence of W92, W94 and W96, showing that sometimes there is territory in the centre?, especially when you are Otake.

Moves 211 to 220  

I'm mistified about black+circle, making B11 gote. It looks like W12 is much bigger than the dame connection. After W20, the corner is ko.

Moves 221 to 230 (9 at 5)  

I can only explain B21 as an preparation to resign. Black is already about ten points behind and the ko is just too basic for a pro not to see it. B21 pales in comparison.

Moves 231 to 240 (8 at 2)  

Black resigns after White 238 retakes the ko. The fact that W36 could become a serious ko threat and leaves some more threats, shows how well Otake has exploited his central power against the right side. As said, his opponent played an unconvincing game, but it allowed me to learn about weakening a group by weakening a friendly group while taking some territory.

Dieter's study of Otake game 4 last edited by Dieter on February 22, 2013 - 14:29
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