NHK Lecture

    Keywords: Books & Publications

This is a list of lecturers on the NHK go program. It shows which players have been lecturers. Some of the lectures have been written up and published as books, so they might be obtainable. Please correct any mistakes or add new information. Richard Hunter

The books have been published as the NHK Igo Series (NHK囲碁シリーズ). The [ext] website lists all the [ext] books in the series.

The dates follow the Japanese academic/business year, which starts in April. Early lectures were full years. From 1993, the format changes to a quarter year (Q) or half year (2Q). So 1993 Q4 is January to March 1994. The question marks are dates I am not sure about but may be able to check later. I have referred to the Japanese wikipedia page on Igonojikan (link seems to convert to unicode badly), but it has definite mistakes, such as omitting Yamashiro 1994, which I watched on TV. I have several of the TV lectures on video, but cut them to save space, so not all of them have identifiable dates.

Other Go books published by NHK that were not based on TV Lectures.

Richard Hunter Note to FredK. I am almost certain the Aragaki book was not a TV Lecture. The NHK monthly magazine contains other columns and articles in addition to write-ups of the lectures and the games, but I never read it regularly, so I don't know if Aragaki did the tsumego column that year.

FredK Sorry about that!

For reviews of some NHK books, see FredK/Japanese Book Reviews -- FredK

NHK Lecture last edited by hnishy on September 24, 2022 - 14:45
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