Kageyama Toshiro

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Kageyama Toshiro (影山利郎 Kageyama Toshirō, "Kage", 21st June 1926 - 31st July 1990) was a Japanese 7-dan professional Go player.

Kageyama is relatively well known in the Western go world for his books "Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go" and "Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go".

Learning Go at the relatively late age of 16, he won the All-Japan Shiroto Honinbo tournament (predecessor of Amateur Honinbo) in 1948 and turned professional the following year. His promotion record is:

  • Shodan 1949
  • 2-dan 1950
  • 3-dan 1951
  • 4-dan 1953
  • 5-dan 1955
  • 6-dan 1961
  • 7-dan 1977

In 1953 he took first place in the second division of the Oteai (the professional rating tournament) and in 1965 and 1966 he was runner-up in the Prime Minister's Cup (a competition among 5- to 7-dan professionals). In 1967 he won the Takamatsu-no-miya Prize in the Igo Senshuken tournament.
He was known for his steady style of play and accuracy at calculation. He was active in the amateur go world until his death.

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Kageyama Toshiro last edited by hnishy on June 12, 2024 - 05:35
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