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I am back on senseis!

I am a teacher from Germany. As a chessplayer, I used to be good at calculating long sequences, but while improving my strategy, I lost that skill. I had posted statements here, trying to define my style, but I am not sure if I was successful, so I removed them again.

Is that gonna be good?  

I probably reached german 2 Dan strenth in over the board games. I play as 3 Dan at the Dragon Go under the name "Hoshi" and as a KGS 2 Dan under the name KlausP.

Talking about strength, I noticed, that many players tend to "know" how strong they are. In my humble opinion, this limits their further developement. For example: If I am sure, that I am a 2 kyu strong I believe, that I play like a 2 kyu.

This sounds silly, but its is remarkable, because I certainly do not play like a 2 kyu! I might attack like a 5 kyu and play fuseki like a 2 Dan (unless i got to attack, in which case I switch back to 5 kyu). I might have a different strength in chuban and yose. So, there is a lot to be gained from assuming, that I am much stronger than any rating I got, AND at the same time, that I am much weaker than I believe. For that reason, I prefer to stay flexible in my rating.

Just an idea:

What about using the page

PeopleOnSenseis ?

Might be interesting to have such a list!

Phelan: Please see the discussion at the PeopleOnSenseisdiscussion page.

Special thanks for all the answers at

Some things I am working at:

Messages and comments: (will be deleted from time to time)

Bill: Klaus, you may be interested to know that philosopher Ted Drange used to teach go as a part of his logic classes. :-)

Interesting, I might have a closer look at Ted then!

axd: please have a look at WikiOrphans#3 ;-)

reminder: look at: Large Handicap Games Discussion

just for discussion:

Large Handicap fighting 1

Klaus last edited by on October 6, 2007 - 21:19
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