I'm a Go player from Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹. I've started to play Go in 2002. See WhyDidYouStartGo#30. I should be around 8-6 kyu right now.
I mostly play on OGS, but can sometimes be found on KGS. I use the nick Phelan on both.
I am a proud member of the Portuguese Go Association (A.P.Go)
I started reading and editing Sensei's Library around April 2003, and I think I've become a RecentChanges junkie...
Go books
I currently have OpeningTheoryMadeEasy, AttackAndDefense, Tesuji, GradedGoProblemsForBeginners (vols II, III and IV), TheSecondBookOfGo, GetStrongAtInvading, MasterOfGo, FirstKyu and LessonsInTheFundamentalsOfGo.
I also have (and love!) The Treasure Chest Enigma. So far it's my favourite go book. :D
On my wishlist is Invincible.
Interesting projects and SL articles
- BasiliskGoServer
- GoAndEconomics
- GoCam
- GoTracer
- Chris Ball's image2sgf
- NickGeorge/JGL
- Travel Go Boards
- SolvingGo
Other portuguese player pages
Message section
tapir: Some friends at my local club praise OGS very much. You say you play mostly there as well. I would very much like to read sth. like OGS/UserExperiences? or OGS/Review? from you or other OGS users here :)
tapir: I doubt there is a Go federation in Pakistan. The pictures are clearly staged to look like go games by people who don't know the game the least (playing on intersection e.g.)