Charles Richard, I think we'll want to juggle bits of this with twisted four; though you obviously don't want it simply as an Alias for that page.
Richard Hunter I was wondering who made the twisted four page (Aug 2002). I've never heard the term before and I've been using dogleg four for several years. When I wanted to describe the shape, I asked Matthew Macfadyen if he knew of a name for it. He said no, but offered wiggly four. After thinking about it for a while and searching on the web, I decided that dogleg is an intuitive term. And I like the sound of it. Let the masses decide which is more popular. But since I included the term in my book, I hope more than just UK players will know of and use it.
This is also my first attempt at diagrams. I'm making progress. I need to add an ishi-no-shita dogleg diagram here later, but it didn't work the first time.
Dansc: I really don't know what to call the shape either. It isn't as usual as bulky five or bent four, nor is it as interesting as rabbity six or butterfly seven. I have mostly been calling it 'an alive shape'. I suppose I could try to learn the term dogleg four rather than twisted four, sounds better to me.
Dieter: I claim authorship for both twisted four and butterfly seven but I do not at all cling to the terms. If people prefer dogleg or come up with something better than butterfly that's just fine. After all I am oddly placed to invent English terms. At the time I felt there was a need for a name and I didn't know of any so I just went ahead with what I had in mind. Dogleg huh ? I'll twist it in my mouth for a couple of days.
Charles Note that dogleg here is aliased to the 3-4 point high approach one-space low pincer: you can blame the GoGod people for that, but it is of some antiquity in the UK. Since every page here has to be called something, SL does generate many names: if one doesn't like them as fresh bits of jargon, they can be treated just as placeholders, and there is no objection to multiple aliases.
Alex Weldon: I was always semi-consciously thinking of it in my own mind as the "tetris four," since the shape reminds me of Tetris. :) I realize that this is somewhat absurd, since all shapes consisting of four points are present in Tetris, but this is the only shape that doesn't have a more obvious name (square, line, L and T being the others).
unkx80: Personally I prefer to call it "bent four", because the Chinese people give "bent four" and "twisted four" the same name. However, I will accept any form of terminology that is used in SL. =)
Richard Hunter Bent four is usually limited to the L shape.
John F. From way back when: is this not the old zigzag four?
Richard Hunter Way back before my time. I don't remembered anyone using it. It's a nice term. If I had thought of it, I would have used it. Where were you when I asked if anyone knew a better word than dogleg? I've been using dogleg in the journal for several years now, so many UK players should be familiar with it now. Another shape with multiple names. This page is just informative. I'm not trying to make people use my terms.
unkx80: I turned twisted four into an alias for dogleg four, while merging the contents of both pages. I hope this is acceptable.