Peter HB
Server | Rank |
KGS | 3k |
ORO | 5k |
IGS | 6k |
EGF | 3k |
Note of Pros to study:
(when I get good enough!)
- Shusaku ( Access to commentary )
- Takagawa Shukaku (simple, steady moves)
- Shuko
- Rin Kaiho
- Lee Changho
- Fujisawa Hosai
- Takemiya as black
- Otake Hideo
How to study in Pro games:
- Look for multi-purpose moves.
- Joseki choice.
- Try to understand moves you find surprising.
- Guess the next move.
Learn Josekis.
Have to know them as bases to work from, in the same way that tesuji + L&D must be learnt as language to work from.
1st learn them, then how to use them, particularly with respect to direction.
SL jumping off points:
4-4 point low approach low extension, slide, 3-3
During middle game, center v. important.
After the middle game the side moves are v. important.
List endgame moves. Then prioritize.
Group safety
Groups have 3 types of problem - liberty, connection and base.
- Liberty problem - more than half of its liberties are filled.
- Connection problem - the stones can be cut.
- Base problem - not enough room for 2 eyes.
1 of? - OK.
2 of? - Weak.
All 3? - Probably dead.
Heavy groups need extensions. Never omit them in fuseki - if you're going to tenuki, do it before you make yourself heavy. If your opponent omits one, be sure to pincer immediately.
KGS wish list:
1. Filtering options on automatch to allow me to avoid sandbaggers, e.g. using:
opponents % rated wins,
no. of rated games played,
months since account opened.
Allow the sandbaggers to play each other, and average people to avoid them.
2. Fischer time.
3. Disable undo in ranked games.
Good GTL reviews to examine:
Others to think about: adum, deft, eitan, forfun, evella, nosk
Kakari / Pincer after keima approach:
Paraphrase of Bill Spight, referring to extension as reply.
3-3, reply, because the 3-3 can easily be hemmed in.
3-4, pincer, because you are strong in the corner but not easily hemmed in.
4-4, reply, because you are weak in the corner and the pincer is less effective than when you occupy the 3-4. Also because the 4-4 looks outward, and the approach and reply may be considered miai.
5-4, attach, because the pincer is not usually effective. The extension is seldom right before attaching or playing a keima kake or taisha kake.
5-3, pincer, because you threaten to hem the opponent in. The kake or taisha are probably more frequent than an extension. However, an extension is quite playable. If the opponent makes a high approach, reply in the corner rather than pincer, because the corner is big.
vice ...... chasing ................... tries to take too much profit, gives too much safety too quickly
virtue..... attacking ................. extracts maximum profit from the weak group
vice....... over-developed shape....... tries to take too much safety for too long, forfeits profit
Inspired by Willemien's point I should try creating discussion subpages as an alternative to both forum pages and discussion on the page. Seems a cleaner method.