Teaching Game 67/Moves 41 Thru 50

Sub-page of TeachingGame67

This is a Teaching Game so please add generous comments. Anyone can a question or kibitz. It makes for a good learning experience (and nice reading material for others). Hopefully we see some dan level player with their kibitzes here as well

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Captured stones and komi  
Moves 41-50  

JoeSeki White 50: Living first.

AvatarDJFlux Black 49: Alea jacta est! (Julius Caesar, crossing the Rubicone)
A little Kikashi here...

JoeSeki White 48: I didn't think you'd play b (White 48) but I would have liked it if you did. Smart move to just play back, however I'm wonder if that is the only way to play here. If you are willing to admit White is alive here, then Black 45 leaves cuts behind to exploit later, or now. So you might have to patch them now or have holes to worry about later. Perhaps a pull back allows White to live and you get sente immediately? Right now I think sente is still in doubt. You get to take a big move but I set up a ladder breaker to make the cross cut work and break out into your moyo. Thus either the ladder breaker or the cross-cut destroys your moyo. Pulling straight back would guard against such manuevers.

Pull Back  

I think you end with sente this way.

AvatarDJFlux B47: Yes, that's what I expected. I would have the option of intercepting at b (White 48 now), but this, while indeed keeping your group under pressure, would send it running into my moyo, and this is a mistake I've made one time too many...

JoeSeki White 46: I think this is the best way to live here.

AvatarDJFlux Black 45: I'm back! Thanks for your patience%%% Here we go, probably this has been the most difficult decision so far ...
I very much wanted to play first on the lower side but I'm afraid I cannot afford it: if you play solidly I have the feeling I have to do the same. I wonder whether this move is correct shape though%%% I'm also afraid you'll manage to live in sente... :-(

JoeSeki Welcome back! I'll need some time to think about this one. I really want to end with sente here. :)

AvatarDJFlux: I've had a terribly heavy working week. I'm tired. Now my summer holidays have begun, and I'm getting ready to go hiking in the Alps, where there are no computers.
I'd like to play my move, but I do not want to spoil this really fine game with a hasty choice, whereas all our previous moves were painstakingly thought out.
So most probably I'll come up with my Black 45 around August 25th...
I hope you (and the kibitzers, if any) don't mind!

JoeSeki White 44: I couldn't find anything cute or tricky. This seems simple and safe.

DJ: I think the problem started when you answered at R7 my knight's move at P11. The keima is a standard way to attack a two-space extension on the third line when it is between two "strong" black positions at one-point distance: but you extended after the keima, so it was like you played tenuki as an aswer to my attack! Q9 then becomes sort of severe...
In fact I was expecting a higher move for White 40, say at a or at Black 43.
Anyway, my connection is not yet secure, and the three stones are still sort of weakish, although I cannot deny that I feel a little more tranquil, now... ;-)

JoeSeki I thought about White 40 at a but couldn't justify it. A high move would let your three-stone wall try to cut up underneath me and possibly get an eye while uprooting my stones. It could be construed as an attempt to cut your three-stone wall off from the rest of your stones as well -- which I thought was unreasonable. I also looked at the following sequence, but felt I gave you too much profit in the top with a doubtful capture of the three-stone wall.

JoeSeki: Well now this is a difficult spot I find myself in. I want to stand up, but I can't. If I do stand up then you have a clean capture of my two white stones, and I don't cleanly capture your thee stones. Connecting seems bad, and trying to connect to the corner seems bad also. How did this happen? I thought the black position was too far apart to connect but yet you have demonstrated a very nice way to accomplish the connection after all. I really need to think about this one. The lean was an excellent move in my opinion! Bravo!

DJ Black 43: Indeed.... :-))

JoeSeki White 42: Not much thought needed here :)

DJ Black 41: I want to keep you busy by attacking. I'm aware that such attack is not dangerous as my three stones are weak, but I hope to bring them in the open with your help.
If I also manage to solidify the upper right in the process I could consider myself sort of satisfied. Just a bit of wishful thinking.
The three stones are sort of heavy, but I'm treating them lightly. I must be an awful optimist, but I do not see another weak group of mine, only light black stones.... ;-)))

Teaching Game 67/Moves 41 Thru 50 last edited by ProtoDeuteric on February 20, 2005 - 19:21
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