Teaching Game 67 / Moves 81 Thru 90

Sub-page of TeachingGame67


This is a Teaching Game so please add generous comments. Anyone can a question or kibitz. It makes for a good learning experience (and nice reading material for others). Hopefully we see some dan level player with their kibitzes here as well

Moves 81-90  

JoeSeki W90: Now black seems to have the weak group

DJ B89: Yup, same here.

JoeSeki W88: Simply connecting seems best.

AvatarDJFlux B87: Giving Atari to W86 (above a) was tempting, but then the ensuing fight? would have little chances to succeed, with risks for black LS group.
I promise as soon as I have a little spare time to create the proper discussion page...
Now let's try to save what can be saved.

JoeSeki W86: A few interesting variations I have to be careful about, but I think black is in trouble here.

AvatarDJFlux B85: Mamma mia! More than a month from the last move... I must apologise%%% Well then, here we are again. This move doesn't push very much, but all the "pushy" moves I've tried led to nowhere, or worse, to not small losses, very often just due to White cutting right where I have connected. If I'll find the time I'll make the pages...
Now, when I started all this a few moves ago, my primary intention was to bring some outside help to my group on the LS, just in case. I think this move goes somehow in that direction, while still keeping a little pressure on the White Dragon... ;-)

JoeSeki This game seems to have lost interest by viewers and players. Should we call it here? My life is getting busy and I could use the time.

ChessWhiz: Actually, I think viewers are still interested -- it's the players that are moving more and more slowly! I personally find this a very interesting game, and I hope it's not called off now.

AvatarDJFlux from a remote computer: I have not lost the interest at all! It is just that the game has reached a very delicate point, and a mistake now would mean spoiling a fine game.
So I am taking my time studying the position, maybe too much time... Still, I think a good amount of thought is required now%%% I am very busy too, in my normal life and at work, but I apologise if I have given the impression that I lost interest. OTOH, I do not feel we have to rush at all... This is after all a teaching (and learning) game!

JoeSeki: Glad to hear from you!! I was getting worried. How about you open up a variation page to consider what you are thinking. We could all comment on them, and maybe find the right move for you. Personally I think you have to push as best you can and then give up the attack on the white stones and patch up your weakness. White would have to do the same, and then you can try something new. I do agree with you that we have all the time we need, it was just a drastic change from prior speeds. Just stay in touch and all will be fine :)

JoeSeki W84: This is the only move I think. There are others to consider, but I think this is the best. I've analized each move a great deal. Barring any complete misreads I think this is the best move for White. Black is in for some trouble I think. When I have time I'll document some of the variations. I considered b-d as alternatives, and I don't think any of them are as good as this. Would anyone be interested in the variations associated with b-d?

DJ: I for one am interested of course. I must say I really didn't expect this move! I analysed only variations stemming from c and e (it seems you didn't consider the latter).
Problem was, all variations were really far-fetching with oh so many sub variations. Very difficult, and I agree, black is thin. I'll see what i can do...

DJ B83: After so much celebrating (ehm... drinking, eating and being generally merry till late...) my brain feels full of cotton...
It may be that you're right, my stones are quite thin and I seem not to be able to come up with a severe attack, despite having tried many sequences.
I cannot think of anything better... I also thought about a, but it seems to be even more thin. Stronger advice is required...

JoeSeki W82: Your attack seems too loose to me. Let's see if we can break it apart and help my stones at the same time. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season

AvatarDJFlux: Well, in fact my attack is also meant to keep you busy in order to bring at the same time some help to my stones on the leftside... ;-)
My best wishes to you too, Joe, and to whom you love.

AvatarDJFlux B81: I am sorry too, I'm very busy at work and little time is left for enjoying myself...
Well, I thougth, and thought, and again wasted my brain cells on silly sequences, then finally I got fed up with caution... If I repeat times enough that my group is in no danger, then it will survive! (How childish! This is another bad treat of me...)
So I forsake prudence and jump ahead%%% My move casts threatening glances to your three stones... Will you worry about them??!?

Teaching Game 67 / Moves 81 Thru 90 last edited by ProtoDeuteric on February 20, 2005 - 19:23
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