Framework theory

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: MiddleGame, Strategy

Frameworks are mostly empty space. Empty space is usually the most interesting thing on the go board until some time in the middle game (see Classification of Positions).

If there is a big group you can capture, or key stones, those may be more interesting. In general, however, in attack and defence when groups have no reason to die, you are supposed to take into account the frameworks on the board to get the correct direction of play in which to chase or run.

For example:

  • if your opponent has a weak group and a framework, chase the weak group in such a way that the framework is damaged;
  • if your opponent has a weak group and you have a framework, chase the weak group in such a way that you build up your framework (make territory while attacking);
  • if you have a weak group and a framework, run away with the weak group in the opposite direction from the framework;
  • if you have a weak group and your opponent has a framework, try to run the weak group into the framework and live there, except in case the framework is based on thickness, in which case that may be a way to die.

That is, there is a certain logic about weak groups on the edges of frameworks.

One can also work out some schematics about weak groups inside frameworks (invasions). For example the best kind of invasion of a framework is often the type that creates a weak group for the opponent also.

There are so many kinds of frameworks possible that some general ways of thinking are helpful. Other topics:

In order to build up one's understanding of theory, one must look at examples. Framework workshop gathers up raw material.

Charles Matthews

note, On moyos in general: moyos are worth more than territory, despite appearances, due to density. For example, take a 5x5 square in the upper left corner of the board and compare it with an entire one-line, thin strip of territory on the right side of the board. It's 25 points compared with 19, so looks can be deceiving. This exaggeration and deceiving appearance sometimes becomes increasingly larger in some games.

Framework theory last edited by archaic on June 19, 2012 - 07:37
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