Wu Ren Go 2
If you like to join, you are very welcome! Please read the Rules and then enter your name in one of the teams. Do you have questions or remarks? Post them at the discussion page. After the game, we will review.
- Komi is 6.5 points
- /White: Herman (4d), Chew (8k), Fwiffo (4k), FireclawDrake (8k), Antone (ddk), emeraldemon (5k), tapir (2k), gurujeet (9k), sh (7k?), philjun (10k?),gaius (1k), Andy (1k?), padic (8k?), jasavol1 (13k), unkx80 (?d), jpocket (13k?)
- /Black: schroeder (7k), Reuven, IanDavis (1d), Dansc (4k), fractic (2k), Ictus (3k), thanatos13 (-), JJ? (5k), kanzenryu (11k), Bass (3d), jvloenen (1d), Ted O'Mari (2d), Kirby (-), DragonYao (1k)
Game is completed. White wins by resignation.
The SGF of the game is here.
B161 Bass: Poke out the white center potential
W162 unkx80: Sorry for the long delay in making this move.
B163 Bass: We resign. Thank you for the game.
Six months of fun. http://imgur.com/f0LfM.jpg
unkx80: Thank you for the game too. While I would like to play the game to the end, I sense lack of interest on both sides, so it is good to end the game now. Let me recall the earlier parts of the game, and it is time to review.
emeraldemon: Thanks to everyone on both sides, especially the captains. This was a fun and close game, and I'm looking forward to discussing it.
Chew: Thanks! This was quite a bit of fun, and probably good practice reading.
Antone? I stopped making suggestions when it became clear to me that I was completely out of my depth in this game, but it's been a great show just to watch! Kudos to everyone.
Chew: Haha, I never let details like that stop me =)
kanzenryu: Thanks indeed to everybody! This WuRenGo format is great fun and an excellent tool for teaching. I learnt to count a position for the first time, have a much better idea about what's going on in a Ko fight, and a bit about how to estimate and rank endgame moves. Thanks especially to those stronger players with their kind and illuminating comments. After two games on the losing team I'm looking forward to starting a new game!
sh: Thanks for this cool game. Would it be possible to make a final analysis of the game? With my limited knowledge I counted that white is ahead by about 10 points, right?
B151 JoazBanbeck: You gotta learn colloquial English. We meant 'doomed'.
W152 Herman: And 'doomed' is colloquial English for? (Captured stone at
B153 Bass: "Gets killed in the end". Or were you planning to take gote here?
W154 unkx80: No.
B155 Bass: Connect and pre-empt Q7
W156 unkx80: Take reverse sente.
B157 Bass: Got the sente, try to keep it.
W158 Herman: Keep it, we don't want it :)
B159 Bass: kthx.
W160 unkx80: I have always considered this hane-connect as yours, so there you go. =)
What was happening on the left? http://imgur.com/oY113.jpg
B141 Bass: We used a move to defend at F18, so we must use a stone to defend here as well.
W142 Herman After getting to play first at the bottom, the left and the top, I think it's time to play first on the right :-)
B143 Bass: I think you must mean "be the first to play on the right side after the 110-111 exchange destroyed all the potential there" :-)
W144 unkx80: Well, I think there's no potential here for you either.
B145 Bass: I agree. There's only so much we could do with our eyeless center group when you had strong groups on every side.
W146 Herman: Lets keep it eyeless, then :)
B147 Bass: Make territory while connecting.
W148 Herman: Big. Sente. What more could we want.
B149 Bass: Hey! That move was forestalled!
W150 Herman: Forestalled can mean "prevented" or "anticipated", which did you mean? :)
For it has stalled? http://imgur.com/Zjwxe.jpg
B131 Bass: Force before even thinking about connecting.
W132 unkx80: Forced.
B133 Bass: Probe the white intentions
W134 Herman: Show intentions
B135 Bass: Those intentions are ok, we'll just connect.
W136 Herman: Territory. It's what it's all about :)
B137 Bass: Agreed. We'll sheepishly defend ours.
W138 Herman: You take the left, we take the right. Fair's fair, eh?
W140 unkx80: Just finishing the sequence started by W138.
No way, Yose! http://imgur.com/yfj3P.jpg
B121 Bass: Atari is the most sophisticated play known to man.
W122 unkx80: I agree. =)
B123 Bass: What about atari-atari then?
W124 Herman: Captured black stone at
B125 Bass: The second line is the line of victory!
W126 unkx80: Back to business as usual.
B127 Bass: Use the force to forestall E1.
W128 Herman: E1 was never a good move ;-)
B129 Bass: A white stone here would be really annoying.
W130 unkx80: I don't know how annoying is this move? =)
Battle of the annoying moves http://imgur.com/aysCx.jpg
B111 Bass: Thanks for asking, our group is feeling better by the minute. How's your right side potential doing?
W112 unkx80: I guess this is the biggest area on the board.
B113 Bass: ditto.
W114 Herman: tritto.
B115 Bass: This was a suggestion for B113 too, so we aren't complaining.
W116 unkx80: Continue to play large moves.
B117 Bass: Block
B118 unkx80: Diagonal attachment.
B119 Bass: Hmm. You placed a white stone though.
W120 unkx80: Let's see.
After 120 http://imgur.com/XcZa3.jpg
B101 jvloenen: At least we can try.
W102 Herman: We'll just connect these here :)
B103 jvloenen: I'm a precog: I know what you will do next...
W104 Herman: I'm predictable :)
B105 Bass: I'm preposterous.
W106 Herman: I'm lapicidal...
B107 Bass: Even though I did create the reindeer problem, I am not an actual Lapp, so we should be safe.
W108 unkx80: Connect.
B109 Bass: Not a bad idea at all! Or maybe we get an eye in sente?
W110 Herman: How's your center group feeling?
After 110 moves http://imgur.com/GiLvZ.jpg
jvloenen: Ok, so take the corner.
unkx80: Arigato gozaimasu.
jvloenen: Go on, we want you to take the corner!
unkx80: Sure, no problem.
jvloenen: One liberty less. Don't say we didn't warn you.
unkx80: Thanks for the warning. =)
Joaz Banbeck: The pack is on the prowl.
Herman: Even more stones to capture :-)
jvloenen: We gave you the corner. Now we can have these 9 stones in return?
unkx80: You think you can?
A telegram from the Queen http://imgur.com/xa8RM.jpg
Bass: Remember how
could have been on this side?
Herman: Yes. Luckily, we played the descent :)
Bass: Mm, definitely
worth playing! I wonder which computer game this peep should be linked to..
Herman: I am a moron, therefore I guess I'll have to follow the proverb
Bass: Turning opponent's potential territory into our own is worth double.
unkx80: Black decided to tenuki on the right side. Let's see how black will answer this move.
Bass: Make shape in the center while threatening to connect.
unkx80: Peep.
IanDavis: Connect.
unkx80: Take the corner.
JoazBanbeck: Please force us to make more territory.
unkx80: Continue bumping around into the new year.
unkx80: To quote that cliche again: cut first, think later.
Bass: Well, it's later now, but maybe you won't need to think very hard :-)
unkx80: Extend from atari. =)
jvloenen: We just go on.
Herman: then so will we :)
Welcome to the 80s http://imgur.com/g0JCm.jpg
Bass: If only every forcing move would force us into shapes like this.
unkx80: We are happy to get a table shape as well. Does this come with chairs? =)
Bass: That's a very nice table indeed! We want one too, but since we cannot make our own right now, can we have yours?
unkx80: You are welcome to enjoy your dinner at our table, but I don't think the table itself is edible.
IanDavis: Then we shall eat you.
unkx80: Bump! Eat what?
Bass: After a couple of days of Christmas feasting, I don't want eat anything anymore..
unkx80: Back to business as usual.
unkx80: More bumping around.
Welcome to the 70's... http://imgur.com/RaGr6.jpg
Bass: Let's see about this side then.
Herman: Connect while attacking
Bass: Not thoroughly impressed by the suggested attack's power, we take the big point instead.
unkx80: Crawl along.
Bass: Move ahead, we don't want to be the ones putting the cart in front of the horse.
unkx80: Reduction time.
Bass: Make a road block on
's way home.
unkx80: Time to play
escape artist.
Bass: We prefer
dungeon keeper
unkx80: Since Black wants to keep us in, we shall
dig deeper in.
If only I had a cool comment while posting this http://imgur.com/ZzmP0.jpg
Herman: Answer hane with hane
jvloenen: Do you want to connect to the left side?
Herman: Yes, please :)
Bass: Ok, go right ahead. Surely you won't mind if we keep this small stone as a souvenir?
Herman: Not at all, not at all :-)
Bass: Om nom nom.
unkx80: Enjoy your meal. =)
) Bass Thank you, it was very tasty. Sorry we couldn't leave anything but cutting points for you as leftovers.
Herman: No problem, nothing wrong with a few cutting points :)
The half century http://imgur.com/FCLeY.jpg
- Andy: Nice image, but the shadows look screwy. The shadow boundaries are sharp from what look like four point sources, but normal lighting doesn't come from point sources and diffraction fuzzes light that grazes edges. Maybe some shadow blending would help? The sharp-shadowed image kind of hurts to look at for some reason. :P
- ThorAvaTahr: For quibling purposes, the stones are placed to perfectly, possibly you can give it a much more natural look by giving each stone a slight aberation (stone size correct?), see Equipment dimension (3 paragraph). Off course, this is only a side matter, otherwise good work! These images are a nice contribution to this page!
Bass: No unfinished josekis on my watch. Also, gets a perfect position at the upper side.
Herman: Cannot ignore
Bass: Prevent white's extension on the top
unkx80: Reduce the top side.
Bass: Answer the cap with keima.
Herman: Supporting
while reducing further
Bass: Cannot let white build eye shape here
Herman: Support the center stones
Bass: That's a nice group you have there. We'd hate to see anything bad happen to it.
Herman: Touching strong stones :)
The big 40 http://imgur.com/jOM3O.jpg
jvloenen: Build up the upper right corner.
Herman: Only move.
jvloenen: Extend.
Herman: jump-attach
jvloenen: push through
jvloenen: Where?
Herman: Only move, again :)
Bass: Always finish up your joseki :-)
unkx80: Continue with the joseki. =)
That's 30... http://imgur.com/9nUL2.jpg
jvloenen: Defend and build (tapir: Please read and comment on 44PointLowApproachCap) [<-- an amateur joseki it says. As we're all amateurs it should be fine ;-)]
Herman: Invade at 3-3 (see also: BQM 455).
jvloenen: The only move.
Herman: only move
Bass: Always finish up your joseki.
Herman: Protect against the cut and take the corner
jvloenen: Finish our moyo
Herman: High shimari for influence
jvloenen: The biggest area.
unkx80: Looks like the biggest move to me.
IanDavis: Onegaishimasu
Herman: Have a lot of fun, everyone!
IanDavis: May as well keep things moving
Herman: We'll add a 3-5 point to the equation...
IanDavis: looks so pretty
Herman: We'll take the corner then
jvloenen: The only move.
Herman: Taking the corner
jvloenen: Three-space extension from a two-stone wall.
unkx80: Approach the lower-right corner.
After 10 moves http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/9817/102k.jpg