Wu Ren Go 2 / Rules

Sub-page of WuRenGo2

The following rules apply to the ongoing Wu Ren Go 2. For reference see Wu Ren Go 1/Rules

Game Rule Set


  • Two teams alternate play.
  • Each team consists of captains and soldiers.
  • Team members are not allowed to switch teams.
  • A team member is a captain when his or her declared rank is higher than or equal to the captain bar.
  • A team member is a soldier if his or her declared rank is below the captain bar.
  • The captain bar is set at 1d.
    • This bar should of course be flexible to maintain a reasonable ratio.
  • A play consists of two consecutive phases, first the suggestion phase and then the move phase.
  • During the suggestion phase each soldier can make at most one suggestion for a move, (i.e a board coordinate or a pass). As soon as enough soldiers have made a suggestion the suggestion phase ends and the move phase begins. The suggestion phase can be interrupted by a team captain, he can immediately advance to the move phase.
  • During the move phase a team captain choses one of the suggestions made in the last suggestion phase and plays that move.
    • To clarify: Captains cannot make their own suggestions.


  • A captain should move as soon as possible and preferably within a week after the first suggestion.
  • A player that wants to enter the game should recognize the balance of strength in both teams and chose his team appropriately.
  • Just as a side note, it was decided in WuRenGo 1 that, as this is a teaching exercise, teams ARE allowed to read each other's suggestion pages, so please keep this in mind.
    • Fwiffo: Before jumping in and reading the other team's page, has this been officially decided for this round? It's been mentioned on WuRenGo2/Discussion but so far I'm the only person to express a preference one way or the other (and I was against).

Wu Ren Go 2 / Rules last edited by fwiffo on October 20, 2009 - 17:44
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