Wu Ren Go 1
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- Komi is 6.5 points
- /White: tapir 2k*; ThorAvaTahr 2d; kanzenryu 11k; MrTenuki 3k; kb 5d; Tasky 4k; Andy 1k; rmsp 4k; Dansc 5k; FireclawDrake 9k;
- /Black: emeraldemon 6k; fractic 2k; Herman 4d; jvloenen 1d; thanatos13 9k; unkx80 ?d; antone? 14k?; Mramahi1 2k;
The game has ended. /Review.
Herman: Build the bottom while removing aji.
kb: Resign. Any more moves, because of the slow rate of choosing moves (I am also at fault here), is just pedantic. I think a great deal of learning can come from a review *now* and not later, when those involved have moved on.
Anonymous: I think some commentary on R13 is in order. In retrospect it looks like a very good move, but was it?
unkx80: Obvious move...
ThorAvaTahr: Finish local shape
unkx80: Strengthen the Black group. I treat
as miai.
ThorAvaTahr: connect out!
unkx80: The last big move, in the opening sense.
kb: Move out, attach against the stronger side
unkx80: Hane.
kb: Extend - natural and thick.
unkx80: Extend - build a base.
kb: Block (joseki).
Herman: Strengthen left side while leaning.
ThorAvaTahr: Finishing the corner
unkx80: Play at the biggest area.
unkx80: Crawl along.
kb: This must the the correct direction of play. Can White take advantage? This is a tough situation for any player, let alone amateurs ;)
unkx80: It's time to settle the group.
ThorAvaTahr: Defend against the peep.
unkx80: Continue settling the group.
ThorAvaTahr: Hane at the bottom of two?
unkx80: Continuation of the standard sequence.
kb: Only move again. Good shape inside your opponent's influence is necessary.
unkx80: Get ahead in the running fight.
ThorAvaTahr: Increasing the dimensionality of the white group (1D->2D) :) )
unkx80: Prevent the
group from going home.
ThorAvaTahr: going home ;)
unkx80: White ignored the shoulder hit, so we turn that White stone into an armpit hit.
ThorAvaTahr: Get to the other side first :P (ok getting our head out )
unkx80: Now that
has done its job, it's time to approach the upper-left corner from the left side.
ThorAvaTahr: Reinforce the corner
unkx80: Prevent White from forming sanrensei on the left side.
kb: Invade Black's enclosure on the right - over-extended by one space.
unkx80: Prevents
from making a base.
kb: The one-space jump is never bad
unkx80: The one-space jump is never bad.
kb: The one-space jump is never bad
unkx80: The one-space jump is never bad.
kb: After
, the White stones are thin and need to be settled.
unkx80: Standard reply.
kb: Likewise
Herman: If both the strongest and the weakest team member suggest this move, it cannot possibly be bad! :-)
ThorAvaTahr: Multiple votes for
so, here we go :)
unkx80: Two votes received for this move, and that's my preference too. =)
kb: Star point got the most votes.
unkx80: Since Herman is away, I think I'll be making moves for quite a while... until he comes back or some other captain joins the team.
ThorAvaTahr: Prevent black from making two shimaris (like kanzenryu said)
unkx80: Pincer cum extension.
kb: Flexible shape against a loose pincer.
unkx80: The common response.
kb: Take a common big point.