IRL: Tuomo Salo
For the serendipitously same named tie break system, see BASS Tie Breaker.
To find me in a go club setting, visit the excellent Kallio-go meet on Sundays.
I started playing go in January 2001, and my current rank is 3 dan. My goal is to reach amateur dan level someday (hey, wait.. yay!), and then find some cool new approach to computerized go, and write the Ultimate Go Playing Program :-)
I was born on July 29th, 1975, so the stars should be favourable
for my go progress :-)
On the Internet you can find me on ircnet channel ("_Bass" or "varabass"). I also act as a moderator at My email address is the title of this page, followed by the letters "". (sorry about the obfuscation, I don't like address-harvesting robots much.)
Since you bothered to read all this, maybe you also want to know what my favourite nsfw webcomic is? You may not want your eyes anymore if you follow that link (or this one: (link dead as of 24-02-2023)) so consider yourself warned :-)