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IRL: Tuomo Salo

For the serendipitously same named tie break system, see BASS Tie Breaker.

To find me in a go club setting, visit the excellent [ext] Kallio-go meet on Sundays.

I started playing go in January 2001, and my current rank is 3 dan. My goal is to reach amateur dan level someday (hey, wait.. yay!), and then find some cool new approach to computerized go, and write the Ultimate Go Playing Program :-)

I was born on July 29th, 1975, so the [ext] stars should be favourable for my go progress :-)

On the Internet you can find me on ircnet channel ("_Bass" or "varabass"). I also act as a moderator at [ext] My email address is the title of this page, followed by the letters "". (sorry about the obfuscation, I don't like address-harvesting robots much.)

Since you bothered to read all this, maybe you also want to know what [ext] my favourite nsfw webcomic is? You may not want your eyes anymore if you follow that link (or this one: [ext] (link dead as of 24-02-2023)) so consider yourself warned :-)

Bass last edited by kmr on February 24, 2023 - 17:18
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