DieterVerhofstadt: I think the 78-79 exchange loses liberties for White and patches a black weakness, but then again maybe not. White is still behind territorially but has become thicker after Black backing off in the middle. White would love to play c but doesn't have the time. The shoulder hit seems to keep the attack going while making some use of the isolated white stones. If I overexplain my moves, please say so.
Dnerra: After White 72 I started a discussion wondering why no one was volunteering to make Black's next move. HolIgor pointed out that Black is leading, but that White still has chances. Maybe DieterVerhofstadt will change sides and play Black from here on. Since I've waited a couple of days, I played Black 73 now.
HolIgor: I've waited three days and played though I was the author of the latest move. We are closer to a fight and then people will have more interest than at this stage of slow preparation.
Dnerra: I thought this is a fight already! :-) Both sides have to be aware of the cut at a at anytime.
deft: I made a move...
Dieter: ... and I responded (sorry dnerra). I know one should not peep where one can cut, but I think one can't cut here. White is vulnerable to a move at b. White 76 is the shape point for both running groups, so I think it is the only move here.
BillSpight: Black 69 was enterprising, but Black 71 is on the undynamic side.
dnerra: As I made both black moves that you are referring to :-), (hope this isn't considered inappropriate here to play two consecutive moves) I would be very interested if you could elaborate. I felt that because of the marked white stone, Black will not be able to profit too much from influence built up around Black 69/White 70. Also I didn't see a move that would hurt White's shape around White 70. Also, I would not have liked to play a move like Black a, which would neither seriously attack the white dragon, nor remove the potential of White 68. So I decided to take profit, and let White prove that she can gain from attacking my group. What is your suggestion instead of Black 71?
Bill: Black 71 is inconsistent with Black 69. Black 69 provoked White 70, hardly a surprise. :-) Black 69 aims at a fight in the center and bottom side. If all goes perfectly, Black will be able to strengthen his central group, put pressure on White's single stone on the bottom, build a wall that makes it difficult for White to do much with her stone in the right bottom corner, and cut on top, putting pressure on White's cut groups. Of course, White will not allow that to happen. ;-)
But Black 71 gives up on all that, except securing the bottom right corner. It is now easy for White to throw away her stone there, building thickness that works with the white stone on the bottom, protects White's central group, and weakens Black's central group. Provoking White 70 helped her do that. Black 71 is an admission that Black 69 was wrong.
Right or wrong, Black needs to forge ahead with the hane at 74.
(This is not to say that Black 69 was the best play. But it shows an admirable fighting spirit that Black 71 lacks. :-))
DaveSigaty: 70. I agree that the urgent question is who is strong and who is weak in the center and top. White wants to keep pressure on the center black stones. Can Black swallow the lower right despite the aji of c and d? Need Black fear the weakness at b?
dnerra: I can't resist the temptation to choose the sharpest (I believe) move. Of course, Black 69 aims at the peep and hopes for a successful cut around a in the future.
HolIgor: White 68. I made a previous move for White so I've waited a while before making this move. Nobody else volunteered. There are too many urgent points for White at the board at the moment. I believe that White is about 20 points behind now and something has to be undertaken. White has to use her bits of influence. Unfortunately I could not find a sente sequence in the top right corner.
TakeNGive (11k): For Black 65 - looks like Black has to choose. Save three stones and try to live small on the side? Then White will chase the top center eyeless stones. Instead, give up three useless stones, and connect the right side to the top center (say around P16)? Or, play tenuki in favor of something like C7?
HolIgor 52: I'd like White to keep thick and solid.
BillSpight 54: If Black 37 (marked) had been at a, White 54 would not threaten two cuts.
DaveSigaty 58: Thinking of a and b as miai.
MortenPahle - The question is whether there's anything left to strike once the fist is made ;^)
BillSpight: Black 41 looks better at 50, eh?
Then White 40 doesn't look so big.
MortenPahle - In fact, Black 41 looks rather ridiculous at present.
HolIgor 42: Black has taken the corner. It is an established fact. White's intention is to either limit Black in sente or make an exchange. I wonder why Black did not play at 3 at move 39 instead?
DieterVerhofstadt: Yes. If I played in that area, I'd indeed play at 3. The keima leaves a weakness.
MortenPahle: Hmmm. This can get tricky. Black 39 may turn out to have been greedy.
DieterVerhofstadt: Thin, not greedy.
Bill: It looks like Black 45 will end up with gote. Maybe it would be worthwhile to play at 48 and take sente.
MortenPahle: I don't understand your comment, Bill. Can you elaborate?
Holigor 46: I thought that White should not determine the position at this move, and should try to keep a little ahead of Black. (--Dieter: you're probably right. I thought this way there would be more aji.)
MortenPahle: At the end of this sequence I am not sure how to continue - I have the feeling that White has thwarted my original intentions, but I'll take the risk of putting my head on the block and continue what I started .... Just for my continuous improvement, can one of you give me an example of what could have happened if Black 39 were at 43?
I'll give it a try at Ongoing Game 2 / Move 39 Discussed. Sooner or later we will have to WikiMasterEdit this thread as we did with the Ongoing Game.
BillSpight 34: Trying to play lightly.
unkx80 33: Because White can play at 34, I guess Black 33 might be better off playing at either 34 or 37?
BillSpight: We seem to have stalled, and at a very interesting point, too. ;-) Too much kibitzing? I would find that inhibiting, even though I would be glad of later discussion.
White fell behind early on, but the center fight offers possibilities. :-)
HolIgor: It seems that Black resigned.
MortenPahle 37: Why not?
BillSpight: Black 37 at a is also a thought.
MortenPahle 39: Make a fist before striking :-)
HolIgor 40: Aye, aye, sir.