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Just who is this guy?

My name is Miguel and I am a Spanish quantitative analyst based in London and Go lover. I used to prefer NNGS to IGS, but since I discovered KGS I played less and less on the other two. I became a single-digit-kyu on KGS in June/July of 2003, and then became too busy to play for a whole year due to my dissertation writing. I then played occasionally until November 2004. Another reason I didn't play Go so often any more was family life. I Then started teaching Go to my girlfriend's child, Jonathan. In February 2005 I resumed playing at least a game a day on average, then in April I got a full-time job, but I still get a few games per week. Since the end of 2005 I have played very little.

Once upon a time I had a Japanese friend who had spent an extended period of time in Italy and spoke Italian with a Tuscany accent. I was slightly disappointed that he was not a better go player (I have since learnt that, before Hikaru No Go, Go was not as popular among young people in Japan as I expected), but that's not the point.

The point is that he had a cousin (or something) who was married to a Spaniard and their child was called Migeru. I have come to adopt that name for all purposes Japanese.

Go style

This was written in 2003

I find myself playing for influence rather than territory, and large moyos, even when I set out not to. I think this has to do with my choice of josekis and my instinctive replies to probes. I think I need to start studying Takemiya's games.

I think for my rank I am good at building thickness and exploiting it. I am proud of my ability to chase weak groups and eliminate their eyespace (what I call "throwing a stone in your opponent's eye"). I gained several stones mostly through improvements in fuseki and yose, so my life-and-death is not on a par with my opponents'. I also don't know a lot of joseki, I try to play by intuition and general principles.

Areas for improvement:

  • making and dealing with invasions (I think my reductions are ok)
  • tactics
  • joseki
  • getting and keeping sente

Rating information

So you know how seriously to take my contributions to SL.

As of 2005 November 6 my EGF rating is 9k. [ext] Here is my EGF rating graph, courtesy of the BGA.

On KGS, I am now oscillating between 12k and 13k. Check out [ext] my KGS rating graph.

In July 2003 I was 16k* on IGS, 11k on NNGS and 9k on KGS (my all-time highest KGS rating). My AGA rank was 11k.

According to [ext] this nifty tool, this is my career KGS record:

Time: 2006-10-22, 12:41:54
Player 'Migeru'. Ranked 19×19 games.
From 2000-01-01 to 2006-10-22 (2487 days).
Number of games played:		357
Number of unfinished games:		14
Number of forfeited games:		0
Number of wins:			190
Number of losses:			167
Win ratio:				53.22 %
Number of games played as white:	207 (win ratio: 54.11 %)
Number of games played as black:	150 (win ratio: 52.00 %)
Number of different opponents:		311
 Opponent	Games	Win ratio
   Bodera	7	 28.57 %  (2/7)
guardiola	5	 20.00 %  (1/5)
  espiral	4	 50.00 %  (2/4)
   jramon	4	 50.00 %  (2/4)
 RikiTiki	4	 75.00 %  (3/4)
   Tropsy	3	 33.33 %  (1/3)
     Ogai	3	100.00 %  (3/3)
   apexrp	3	 33.33 %  (1/3)


  • 2006
    • West Surrey handicap (November 2006): Entered as BGA 8k, ended up 2-2.
  • 2005
    • London Open 2005 (December 2005): Entered as BGA 9k, ended up 5-3.
    • Wanstead 2005 (October 2005): Entered as BGA 9k, ended up 2-2.
    • 3rd Rio de la Plata Handicap Go Open (KGS, 2005 August 10-September 19): Entered as KGS 14k, ended up 3-3.
    • Epsom Go Tournament 2005 (August 13): Entered as BGA 10k, ended up 3-0.
    • 2005 BGS-KGS Tournament (June): Entered as KGS 13k, ended up 8-7.
    • Liverpool Go Tournament 2005 (June 25): Entered as 10k, ended up 3-2
    • Bracknell Go Tournament 2005 (May 22): Entered as 13k, ended up 2-1
    • 7th Iberoamerican Internet Go Tournament (2005 March 31-May 24): Entered as 10k, ended up 4-4.
  • 2003
    • 5th Iberoamerican Internet Go Tournament (2003): Entered as 14k, ended up 3-5.
    • 2003 Cotsen Open: Entered as AGA 9k, ended up 1-4.
    • 2003 San Francisco Spring Tournament: Entered as a AGA 10k, ended up 2-3.
    • 2nd Spanish Internet Go Tournament (2003): Entered as KGS 16k, ended up 5-1
  • 1996
    • 1996 Spanish Go Championship: Entered as 9k, ended up 3-3.

Reading list

Go books I have read:

  1. El Juego de Go by Pierre Aroutcheff.
  2. Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go by Kageyama.
  3. Nihon Kiin Handbook of Proverbs.
  4. The Direction of Play -- I had been told this is too advanced for my level, and they were right! But it's still a great read.

Now reading:

On my shopping list:


/Question 1
Migeru's Question 2
Migeru's Question 3


Migeru's ideas on improvement

Migeru's musings on go ratings



GR Game 1

GR Game 2

GR Game 3

GR Game 4

Migeru v. rg

Migeru v. rg Game 2

Migeru v. rg Game 3

Migeru v. Jerome


10sai - I thought I remember seeing this name somewhere online. I played you the last round in the SF tournament, glad to see you on sensei's as well :)

Alex Weldon: Responding to your message on my page re: playing a game on Sensei's. You say your IGS rating is not reliable. How strong do you feel? I'm 6k* right now, so our ratings would suggest 6 stone handicap. I'm not great at playing against a handicap, though (or with a handicap, for that matter). Anyway, I don't know what handicap will make the game as even as possible either, so you're free to choose whatever you feel comfortable with, balancing your chances of winning with the pride you'll feel if you do. :) Once you've made up your mind, set up a game page and we'll start.


Migeru last edited by Migeru on August 24, 2015 - 22:16
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