Migeru v. Jerome

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Ongoing game
Migeru v. Jerome (moves 1-10)  

B1, W2: That is a good starting move, but I wonder whether you are intending to play by symmetry, or something. -- Migeru

B5: I haven't played in more than 20 years. Do treat me as a beginner, with beginner's luck if appropriate (I wouldn't know) - J.

Migeru: I am not a bad teacher, don't worry.

W6: your B5 is a little too close to the edge, and too easily cut of from the rest of your stones.

B7: ok - let's wrestle, then.

W8: ok.

B9: is this what I'm supposed to do, or is it a lost cause to protect that stone?

W10: at this point you're basically sacrificing B5 - you need to get some compensation for that, presumably in the centre. The local position looks settled for now, so I would take advantage of having the initiative and play elsewhere.

Migeru v. Jerome (moves 11-20)  

W2: In that case I would have played B1 one space to the left. If you want to attack my group it's best not to play contact moves, because that picks a fight and gives me a chance to muddy the waters, and I have an advantage in that situation.

B3: That's where I realise I really don't understand go. I have no idea what you mean. I'll try the contact skirmishes because it's the only thing I can make sense of. J.

W4: Not playing in contact makes it harder for me to cut B1 off.

B5: I see.

W10: Hmm. You gave up B1 B5 B7 and did not connect B3 and B9... Maybe you took my comment below about the 3-3 point out of context?

Migeru v. Jerome (moves 21-30)  

blocking without picking a fight (moves 11-20)  

B1: ok, let's see what if...

W2: I'm boxed in but not at risk of capture, so let's claim another corner. This is good for me because I am the first one to play away.

W4: It is actually rather hard to kill a stone on the 3-3 point.

B5: ok, I trust you ;-)

W6: don't take what I say that seriously.

Migeru v. Jerome last edited by tapir on December 3, 2011 - 18:14
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