The No Name Go Server (NNGS, nngs.cosmic.org), was a real-time GoServer to connect over telnet with the so called IGS-protocol.
NNGS existed until around may 2005.
An updated version of the software appeared in github in 2012 https://github.com/matsu911/nngs. This version is being used now for the private networks of some Go clubs, which requires users to install CGoban1 (common in almost all Linux distributions).
web.archive.org has archived the nngs pages until may 2005. When scripts are allowed for web.archive.org, the links on the archived page lead you to the other archived nngs-pages.
- The
game archive is still available from other sources. It contains 435.495 sgf-files in 130 folders (each for one month from 07/1995 until 05/2005). A current (April 2012) way to access the files is
- Server Source Code ('platform-independent'):
http://sourceforge.net/projects/nngs/ Latest version is nngs-1.1.22 (August 30, 2009)
- Updated version of the server source code (2012):