SL- RSS feed
Sensei's Library provides an RDF/RSS feed of RecentChanges.
If you don't know what RDF/RSS is have a look at the following links:
From the RSS workshop page:
RSS is a protocol, an application of XML, that provides an open method of syndicating and aggregating web content. Using RSS files, you can have constantly updated content from web sites delivered to you via a news aggregator, a piece of software specifically tailored to receive these types of feeds. RSS powers many popular applications such as weblogs and news syndication.
RSS Feed Details
Note: do not use "discover RSS feed" functions (like Firefox's Sage). Reason is that these functions usually do not obey the robot exclusion file and you will get blocked. The URIs are just below. No need to discover them.
Migeru A question: is there a way to apply filters to the Recent Changes RSS feed? (at least the default ones, in particular "no riff raff") To be precise, would it be possible to add a "no riff raff Recent Changes RSS feed"?
Most recent changes only (MRO)
URI: Version: RSS 1.0 Frequency: every other hour (suggested) Validate:
Threads as flat list (FLAT)
URI: Version: RSS 1.0 Frequency: every other hour (suggested) Validate:
RSS feeds for other RecentChanges pages
For RecentChanges/OnlineGo use:
MRO mode: FLAT mode:
For RecentChanges/All use:
MRO mode: FLAT mode:
The Feeds page has more feeds that may be of interest to Go players.