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I've been playing Go seriously for about eight years. Progress has been slow and I would guesstimate my current strength as around 20 kyu.

I play on DragonGoServer under the name solovay where my current ranking is 21 kyu. My AGA ranking was 18 kyu but I went 0 for 3 in a recent tournament so it's probably dropped a stone or two.

On KGS I play as solovay2 and solovay3. Until the last day or so my rating on KGS was 17k?. But I lost a game and it demoted me to ?. So I opened a new account to see how much the rating history affects my rating.

I've been taking lessons on KGS from Tsurukame. I find him an excellent teacher.

I've decided to make a big push on getting better at Go and plan to annotate my progress (or lack thereof) in a Go Blog which I hope to set up "real soon now". It's my ambition to make it to SDK by September 2006.

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solovay last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 09:45
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