American Go Association
The American Go Association (AGA), was founded in August 1934, was incorporated in 1994, and is the principal organizing body for Go in the USA. As a volunteer run organization, the AGA works to build a sustainable community of Go players in the United States.
The AGA:
- promotes the game
- sanctions tournaments (More than 100 per year)
- maintains United States national ratings
- organizes the US Go Congress
- selects representatives to international tournaments.
Since its founding the AGA has published several books and pamphlets, which include:
- The Rationalization of Go? in 1941
- The Structure of Go? in 1946
- the American Go Journal beginning in 1949 - 1955, 1957 - 1961, 1974 - 2002, (replaced by the American Go E-Journal which began publication in 2000)
- The Game of Go by Lester and Elizabeth Morris
- The Way to Go by Karl Baker, 1986
- The American Go Association 1995 Historical Book? by Craig Hutchinson
- Go - A Bulletin Devoted to the Game of Go?, a single issue published in 1936
Currently (December 2007), the AGA publishes a bi-weekly electronic newsletter, the American Go E-Journal, and an annual yearbook.
See Also:
- American Go Foundation
- AGA Go Database
- AGA Handicaps
- AGA Rating System
- AGA Rating Histogram
- AGA Rules
- US-Canada Team Tournament
AGA Board of Directors Approved Minutes
- The AustralianGoAssociation which also has the initials AGA.
American Go Association Forum at Life in 19x19
- The
History and Culture webpage at AGA's website
- AGA YouTube channel
- North American Go Federation