Just a few chronologial notes on my experiences with go and SL.
March 2003
After watching Hikaru no Go, my daughter started asking questions about Go. She now has her own account on KGS.
I find it terribly hard to prioritize. My first stab at contributing is a Priority page. My second the addition of losing habits to Bad Habits. They are mistakes (AntiPatterns?) I recognized I had to lose.
Go go Igo deserved a page.
Then I put up a page I would like to have seen a few months earlier. It is a Moves compendium. Charles renamed it elementary moves and made it look better.
To a beginner it isn't obvious what up and down refer to.
It seems that people here are so busy with advanced concepts that the basics need a lot of patching up.
May 2003
Both priority and elementary moves are growing. I would like to see more invasion joseki? at SL but I can't write it.
Answers by Charles, Dieter, Fhayashi, Unkx80, Andre Engels to a question (and a rant about style) of mine about 3-3 point shoulder hit, now at BQM87 led to
At Opening systematic classification there was a spinn-off talk about Links in diagrams.
Click! I played on a real board with real stones at de Amsterdamse Go Club, and with real shell stones at the EGCC.
At Messages I made this remark: "Liberty states that there are two meanings to the word liberty. It continues to describe what I have seen referred to as primary liberty (Dame) and secondary liberty (necessary approach move in semeai). So - I think - this is not a two different meanings issue at all. If a strong go player could confirm, I could edit accordingly." It lead to a long but very interesting discussion on liberty (at Secondary liberty / Discussion and Liberty / Discussion), a re-edit of the liberty page by Bill and Charles made a introductory page. Even Richard Hunter contributed.
Another semiotic thingy: Moved some of sagari and all of "tsuke-tobi joseki" to a newly created page, Japlish.
Arno created the possibillity of Links in diagrams. I hope this feature will be used wisely.
Started playing style with a compilation of style related remarks. I hope it will grow. I simply can't make that happen myself.
Wrote Board geography. Started rearranging 3-4, 4-4 and enclosure-josekis to get a somewhat more balanced tree. I don't know yet wether the links I put in some diagrams really help to navigate.
July 2003
Floris: Oh yes Danny, congrats on your daughter winning the youth tournament in Utrecht on the 29th (of June). I didn't really get a good look at the prize and the certificate since I was playing a game.
mAsterdam: Heh. Thank you, Floris. You did very well, too.
Wrote First moves, Named points, /Storyboard.
September 2003
My daughter has caught up. She hasn't beaten me yet, that is only because we didn't play against eachother lately. At the club she now has a rating of 12 kyu, mine is 15 kyu.
February 2004
We both managed to get stronger by 3 or 4 stones. She won several prizes. She is not as busy with Go as she was last autumn.
Started Page of the month.