What knowledge about the rules is really necessary at the start? Scoring may be a difficult teaching subject, but what about ko?
Imagine lesson one, just after the teacher checked that liberty, atari and capture are somewhat understood. On the board is an example (example 1) where a white group has just been captured.
Teacher puts a ko along the side on the board.
-removes the black stone
Teacher shows repetitive captures.
Teacher replays the capture in the first example and a subsequent white play where the white stones were just captured.
He returns to the ko.
I was the student once in a similar scene (three friendly players in a cafe were "the" teacher) and I have been the teacher several times since.
My question:Is the teacher doing a good job?
As the student I did not like the murmur in the background (ko threat ... triple ko ... twin hot stones ... superko) and I didn't like being kept in the dark about the supposedly simple rules. The example was easy, the goal was simple, so why couldn't the rule be?
What if there are two kos?
Rubyflame: I think the teacher here is making this too complicated. I also don't like how the teacher vaguely hints at rules which are supposedly beyond the ken of the student. I tend to just explain that board repetition is called ko, and is forbidden.
I prefer to use the AGA rules when showing someone how to play Go. After the game I will explain that some people play a bit differently: some people don't use pass stones, and some people don't count it as a ko if the cycle is longer than two plays.
mAsterdam: So, if the last part would have been:
...the teacher would have done it right in your view?
or even (the start):
No discussion, no distraction.
Rubyflame: Yeah, your first example sounds about right. The second one is also ok, but I think it's best to get all the rules out there quickly. People are often (understandably) annoyed when you introduce new rules during the course of playing a game. You can't really plan ahead when you never know when your opponent is going to tell you there's another rule.
Some might argue that if you're a total beginner, you're not capable of formulating a reasonable plan anyway, but I think that attempting to do so is an important part of the learning process.
See: Ko Pages - Beginner
[1] The spelling should convey that the grasp of the concept isn't really there yet. This note is to prevent somebody from 'correcting' this mistaek (again).