Opening Systematic Classification
Discussion on this page has now been distributed as follows:
Charles Matthews Initially I wrote here after discussion that happened on WhitherJoseki.
Some deshis would like to see systematic classification, particularly of joseki, and joseki pages
I think one can make a better judgement of any system after seeing it in practice, and having some experience of how it works.
The use of alias names on pages means that more than one system can be used at a time on SL.
Some joseki pages will be there as reference material: quite a few clicks away from the Front Page. But this justified if a systematic way of naming them makes them easier to find for those who are looking.
Dieter I wouldn't have split the discussion into different pages, but I can see the merits.
Charles The splitting up of the page was suggested by someone else - but it is surely justified once there are eight topics on a page? I have edited the paragraphs before Dieter's comment in the hope of simplifying the points I made on an earlier occasion.
I like the idea of a very precise fuseki and joseki indexing system to complement a more widely used descriptive system like "komoku and ogeima kakari". (For me, some of the fun of Go has been learning a new, foreign jargon; even though I, in principle, like finding English words for concepts we first got from the Japanese, I'll probably always use shimari instead of corner enclosure, just because I like it better.) Anyway, I think a highly precise system for the true hardcore go geeks among us -- whoops, I mean go scholars -- to play with would be a Good Thing, as long as it didn't take over and render the introductory and intermediate material stultifying.
There is a fuseki indexing system used since 1972 by the American Go Association archivist, described here. I've only looked at it a little, but it seems confusing... I don't know if it's adequate for the needs of Charles and co., or if this particular wheel really ought to be re-invented. - TnG
TDerz wrote a list of general criteria for any notation in his critique of /Charles' lossless notation.