Andre Engels
Hello, I am Andre Engels. My current strength is 3 dan, and I am a member of the Eindhovense Go Club. On here I am mostly working at the European Go Tournament Calendar
I am a very active Go player, playing twice a week at my club, and not too rarely on tournaments. I hope my comments will be useful.
If anyone wants to say something to me personally, please send me an email at the address
Strength over time:
started serious playing in September 1990
December 1990: 18k
8k June 1991
6k November 1991
5k January 1992
4k February 1992
3k March 1992
2k February 1993
1k Summer 1993
1D Winter 1995
2D Winter 1998
3D Winter 2001
major tournament victories: Amstelveen 2001
Floris: Andre Engels is actually a famous webmaster, while waiting in the doctors waiting room, I was browsing a few mags and saw him featured in the Plus (a mag for 65+ people) magazine, complete with an article ^_^
Andre Engels: The article was about the Dutch version of Wikipedia,
Regarding the two-step ko: Awesome! - Randall