Mimura Tomoyasu

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Mimura Tomoyasu (三村 智保)

Mimura Tomoyasu (三村 智保, born 1969) is a Nihon Ki-in professional Go player who reached 9-dan in 2000.

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Family and name

His surname Mimura (三村) means “three villages” or “third village”, from 三 (mi (or san)) = 3 and 村 mura = village.

His given name 智保 (Tomoyasu) means “protector of wisdom” or “intelligent preservation”, from 智 (Tomo) = wisdom and 保 (Yasu) = protection, preservation. The characters can also be read as “Chihō”.

In Chinese, they have the same meaning, but are pronounced Sāncūn Zhěbǎo.

His ex-wife is Makihata Taeko, 4p. They had two sons together.

His current wife since 1 Jan 2009 is Mukai Kaori 3 dan. Kaori's teacher Honda Sachiko attended, and the bride gave her a surprise gift and bouquet (See [“Wedding of 9 Dan Mimura Tomoyasu (with Mukai Kaori]” (In Japanese, with pics) | [ext] http://yisao.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-6.html]). On 2 Sept 2009, she took her husband's surname Mimura.

They have three sons together. The first, Haruta, was born on 20 Jan 2010, and on 19 Jan 2012, their twin sons were born.

Promotion history

Mimura became a professional in 1986. He was promoted to 2 dan in the same year, 3 dan in 1987, 4 dan in 1988, 5 dan in 1989, 6 dan in 1991, 7 dan in 1993, 8 dan in 1998, and 9 dan in 2000.


Moro Arisa, Kondo Toshiki, and Seki Ryosuke are Mimura's apprentices.

Mimura also helped Nakamura Sumire train in tsume-go, which might have explained Nakamura's accuracy in attacking. A [ext] 2023 article about Nakamura's Female Kisei match with Ueno Asami reported and quoted Mimura:

"It's called 'tsume-go' and Sumire-san wrote the answer in pencil."

Mimura Tomoyasu, who has been teaching Nakamura for many years, believes that the secret lies in "tsumego." This intensive training involves thinking up procedures to gain an advantage in a certain situation. Nakamura has been doing this for two hours every morning since he was three years old.

"The ability to read ahead. This is what Sumire is best at. This is extremely important to win at Go. You could even say it's the most important thing. She also trains the ability to intuitively know what's going to happen in an instant. She does this for two hours every morning, 365 days a year. There aren't many people like her. It's an incredible amount of practice."


Mimura won the 50th NHK Cup in 2000, the 19th and 20th ShinjinO in 1994-95, and the 29th ShinEi in 1999.


Mimura Tomoyasu last edited by Jono64a on June 27, 2024 - 01:52
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