Nihon Ki-in new promotion system

    Keywords: Clubs & Places

In 2003, a new promotion system (replacing the Oteai) appeared. This change, or reform, took place together with a reform of the tournament system. Previously, players ranking 5 dan and above did not play in the first preliminary sections of tournaments to determine the challenger for titles. Rather, only 1 dan to 4 dan players competed in the first preliminary sections. However, after the reform of the tournament system, players for each tournament are divided into three sections based upon their performance in the previous edition of that tournament.

In the criteria for promotions below, wins are counted in more than 20 tournaments, domestic or international. These include some age-restricted tournaments, but not female only tournaments. See [ext] Nihon Kiin page on ranks (Japanese, not always up to date). These are called 'official' tournaments and others are 'unofficial'.

"Prize money" for promotion purposes includes game fees and are earned through 7 big tournaments only: Kisei, Meijin, Judan, Tengen, Honinbo, Oza and Gosei, totaled at the end of the year. Players promoted by virtue of number of wins in the same year are excluded from the money rankings.

This system have been also followed by the Kansai Kiin from 2005 with slight differences, which are described at the bottom of this page.

In 2024, Honinbo tournament was demoted to one of five "minors" following shrinking of its format and purse. Before, it was treated as one of three "majors" together with Kisei and Meijin.

(The previous promotion system is detailed in the Oteai and professional promotion tournaments pages.)

Promotion to 9 dan

For this and other promotions, only one requirement must be met.

Promotion to 8 dan

Promotion to 7 dan

Promotion to 6 dan

  • Win 90 games as a 5 dan
  • Win most or second most prize money amongst 5 dans in the year

Promotion to 5 dan

  • Win 70 games as a 4 dan
  • Win most or second most prize money amongst 4 dans in the year

Promotion to 4 dan

  • Win 50 games as a 3 dan
  • Win most or second most prize money amongst 3 dans in the year

Promotion to 3 dan

  • Win 40 games as a 2 dan
  • Win most or second most prize money amongst 2 dans in the year

Promotion to 2 dan

  • Win 30 games as a 1 dan
  • Win most or second most prize money amongst 1 dans in the year

Kansai Kiin

The Kansai Kiin also follows the same system, with slight differences below:

See Also

Nihon Ki-in Professional Examination

Nihon Ki-in new promotion system last edited by Jono64a on June 24, 2024 - 23:38
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