
  Difficulty: Introductory   Keywords: Go term

Chinese 1: 飞 (fei1) (any knight's move)
Chinese 2: 小飞 (xiao3 fei1) (small knight's move)
Japanese: ケイマ (keima); 小ゲイマ (kogeima)
Korean: 날일자 (haengma)


Keima, a Japanese go term adopted into English, is often referred to as a 'knight's move', as the pattern is the same as the way the chess piece moves. This matches the Japanese usage, where the term keima comes from the knight-equivalent piece in shogi, the keima (Japanese chess).

Sometimes the term kogeima (or small knight's move) is used, in order to distinguish this relationship from the ogeima (large knight's move) or the very large knight's move.


The keima is often used for attack because it is effective in diminishing the running space of a group. It is regarded inferior to the one-point jump for defence, because it is easier to cut the keima.

Other usages include corner enclosures and slides.

Further reading

Keima last edited by Dieter on April 28, 2021 - 21:29
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