Corner approach

    Keywords: Opening

Chinese: 挂角 (gua4 jiao3)
Japanese: カカリ (in kanji, 掛かり) (kakari)
Korean: 걸침

Corner approach against 3-4 point  

A corner approach is a move played as an approach to a single opposing stone in the corner. B1 here is such a move.

The Japanese go term that describes a corner approach is kakari, and is adopted by the English-speaking go community.

Some people prefer the term “approach move”, but that is also used to describe an extra move needed when removing a liberty as part of a capturing race.

A corner approach move prevents the opponent's enclosure and total occupation of the corner territory. There are many different approach moves: one space low (keima), one space high, two space low (ogeima), two space high, etc.

Further reading

Corner approach last edited by xela on July 25, 2024 - 17:23
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