Joseki pages
Here is a classified list of some joseki-related pages currently on SL. If you are an expert this will be the quickest way to find the variation you are seeking. Anyone else should probably use the individual pages which display diagrams.
Table of contents |
Taxonomy of Joseki
The master list (taxonomy) contains many links to SL pages about joseki for:
- 3-3 point josekis
- 3-4 point josekis
- 3-5 point josekis
- 4-4 point josekis
- 4-5 point josekis
- 5-5 point josekis
- 6-3 point josekis
- 6-4 point josekis
Other Joseki Pages
- Side Joseki
- Enclosure
- 3-4 point Enclosure joseki
- 4-4 point Enclosure joseki
- Joseki Dictionary Coverage Depth
Invasion josekis (not already covered above)
See also: Invasion Itinerary
- Three-space extension invasions
- Middle game joseki: 4464 enclosure 3-3 invasion
General Joseki discussion
- The Advantage of Knowing Joseki
- More Thoughts about Joseki
- Whither Joseki ...
- Joseki Popularity
- High Vs Low Pincer
- Joseki Heuristics: useful if joseki are memorized or not or are departed from.
- A Zen Way To Joseki
- Global joseki
- Joseki in context
- EagleHelm/Joseki Every DDK Should Know
- Why don't we open at tengen
- HermanHiddema/Joseki Learning Order
- Baai No Te -- situational moves that may be called joseki
Joseki Questions
- GoBooks, section Fuseki & Joseki
GoBase's Joseki Dictionary (based on Ishida's joseki dictionary; includes links to games where the joseki were used.)
Many Faces of Go Joseki Dictionary For Palm OS PDAs is an exhaustive, uncommented, Joseki dictionary, including mistakes and trick plays.
BruGo - Joseki Dictionary (Nice Presentation of the basic Josekis)
- Tenuki joseki
- Tenuki joseki pages index
- Named joseki
- Unexplored joseki
- Discarded joseki
- Opening Systematic Classification page.
- Deviating from Joseki in Games
- Joseki and tenuki
- Kogo's Joseki Dictionary covers all basic joseki and secondary variations, common non-joseki plays, and many trick plays. It is packaged as a zipped SGF file. It used to be available by free subscription, but now you can simply download it at Gary's site.
- - josekis from pro games