Long L group
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The standard long L group
The black shape in this corner is the long L group. It controls more corner space than the L group, and this greatly improves its chances for survival.
This shape is also sometimes referred to as The L group with 1 arm.
The long L group without outside liberties
This is White's best attack. She produces a somewhat strange ko in the corner. This is known as a ten thousand year ko.
Black should not play at a because it results in a direct ko. The ten thousand year ko is much better for Black. Refer to that page for more detail.
The long L group without outside liberties, with hane on one side
The long L group with an outside liberty
This diagram is a modified one with extra liberty at a for the black group. Note that Black is unconditionally alive.
The attack by and fails. Black has an excellent way to live - is the key move to remember, aiming to play at a...
If White answers at , Black will play at . The result is a gote seki for Black - the same as living unconditionally when considered in terms of life and death.
( at 6)
The strongest attempt for White (if White must kill) is to play atari at in this diagram. But Black sacrifies yet another stone at , and takes back with . . .
If White plays at , will cause White to be caught in a connect-and-die (a kind of shortage of liberties).
here won't start a ko either. After , White at a, Black at b, it will be obvious that Black is unconditionally alive. The extra liberty comes in very handy here.
The long L group with a descent outside (1)
Gokyo Shumyo, Section 1, Problem 18 / Solution includes this variation. creates a defect: now is atari, making the previous diagram fail.
The long L group with a descent outside (2)
White descends the other way. It is still the case that White to play can kill Black unconditionally.