Beginner's Mistakes

  Difficulty: Beginner  

On this page I show some local situations where beginners very commonly make mistakes. Most of these are undoubtedly described elsewhere on SL as well; this is just my personal collection. They are loosely in order of difficulty.

Table of contents Table of diagrams
The black stone cannot escape.
From [Chad Miller / Stupid Mistakes]
3 will be at a and doom will follow...
Editted from a KGS game
Protecting against the cuts...
Escape attempt
White casts a [Net]
No escape here
B1 invites disaster...
...until W8 White captures the Black stones
A different B3 alters the result, but still an easy ko for White
Correct endgame - White first
Correct endgame - Black first

1. Attempting to save stone on the 2nd line.

(known as the Chapel)

The black stone cannot escape.  

But see also the Two Stone Edge Squeeze for a counterexample of where this can be very useful.

2. Blocking on the 1st line, when you shouldn't.

Many variations on this, here are a few:

3 will be at a and doom will follow...  

3. Beware of the stairs.

Editted from a KGS game  

The three diagonal stones (black+square and B2) are now very weak, and they are easily cut, often leading to double ataris and other nastiness.


black+circle or black+square will die.

Note however, that if it's your turn the stairs are easily and elegantly protected:

Protecting against the cuts...  

B4 protects against the cut at both a and b!

Warp: Note however, that the double hane, resulting in something very similar to this, is not always wrong. For instance, some josekis use it (offering one stone as sacrifice in this way can have beneficial consequences in another place).

Also note that while B4 nicely protects both cutting points, it leaves two possible peeps which, if both are answered, can make the shape quite overconcentrated.

4. Crawling towards escape on the 1st line.

(see also Grotto)

Escape attempt  

Black's dead group in the corner desperately wants to escape and connect with the live group on the right. Black realizes that white cannot Hane to cut him off, so he plans to continue crawling on the 1st line until a connection is made. Unfortunately...

White casts a Net  

After the Net, black cannot connect.

No escape here  

The player crawling on the 1st line for escape can be given as much rope as is necessary to hang themselves with, once they finally see the Net at the end.

5. The roll up

B1 invites disaster...  
...until W8 White captures the Black stones  
A different B3 alters the result, but still an easy ko for White  
Correct endgame - White first  
Correct endgame - Black first  

Beginner's Mistakes last edited by TheBigH on August 29, 2014 - 14:44
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