Go for Beginners

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Go for Beginners
By: Iwamoto Kaoru
Publisher: Ishi Press, Pantheon?, 1975, 1972
ISBN10 0-8704-0166-1, 0-3947-3331-2
151, 148 pp.

Published by Ishi Press in 1972, this book by Iwamoto Kaoru is very good for people just learning Go (and for refreshing your memory).

The book has two parts. (The following refers to the original Ishi Press edition, which is now printed by Pantheon Books (ISBN: 0394733312). The third printing in 1975 uses more English terms and fewer Japanese language terms. The 1976 Penguin edition has only two chapters in Part I, and all the later chapter numbers are therefore different.)

Part I (ch. 1-3): The Rules Of Go, which includes a 9x9 demonstration game, and explanation of atari, ko, seki, and life and death (especially false eyes).

Part II (ch. 4-12): Elementary tactics and strategy. This part of the book will give you a very solid Go education as the author gets into various aspects of the game, including play along the side of the board, ladders , life and death, nets, capturing races, snapback, and so forth. Chapter 9 is Life and Death. Chapter 10 is General Strategy, especially with corner play.

Chapter 11 discusses the ranking system. Chapter 12 has two of Mr. Iwamoto's games, against Kitani in 1949 (jigo) and versus Shusai in 1926 (B+Res).

There is also an appendix with the rules of Go (as they would have been in 1972), a glossary, and a 1972 list of Go organisations around the world.


David Carlton's [ext] review

George Caplan Great book, my first as well. I read David's review, he notes that he has heard there is a hardback edition of the Pantheon version. That is correct. I own one, got in on ebay, sadly, a library discard.

Tim Brent: This is a very clear and readable book, which also contains several very good exercises in most sections. I recommend it.

CardMagi This was my first Go book and it has been amazing. I would recommend as a beginner but once you are intermediate, you will likely want something more advanced.

Table of Contents

Preface .................................... 1
PART I: The Rules of Go .................... 2
Chapter 1: Introduction .................... 3
Chapter 2: Demonstration Game .............. 5
Chapter 3: Capture ........................ 12
  Liberties ............................... 12
  Solidly Connected Stones ................ 13
  Suicide is Illegal ...................... 20
  Ko ...................................... 21
  Life and Death .......................... 28
  False Eyes .............................. 32
  Seki .................................... 40
PART II: Elementary Tactics and Strategy .. 46
Chapter 4: At the Edge of the Board ....... 47
Chapter 5: Shicho ......................... 59
Chapter 6: Geta and Loose Ladders ......... 62
Chapter 7: Semeai ......................... 64
Chapter 8: Snap-back and Oiotoshi ......... 72
Chapter 9: Life and Death ................. 76
  Eye Shape ............................... 76
  The Death Blow from Within .............. 80
  The Death Blow from Without ............. 80
  Cutting Points .......................... 82
  Throw-in Plays .......................... 83
  Me Ari Me Nashi ......................... 84
  Bent Four in the Corner ................. 85
Chapter 10: General Strategy .............. 94
  The Corners are Important ............... 94
  Shimari ................................. 96
  Extensions .............................. 98
  Kakari ................................. 102
  The 3-3 Point Invasion ................. 105
  Hasami ................................. 107
  Make Territory While Attacking ......... 108
  Thickness .............................. 109
Chapter 11: Ranks and Handicaps .......... 114
Chapter 12: Example Games ................ 120
Appendix: The Rules of Go ................ 138
Glossary ................................. 140
Go Organizations ......................... 142

Sample Material

to be added

This was the first book I read that described 'false eyes' in a way you could use on sight when looking at a Goban. The explanation goes like this:

Diag. 62  

"It may help you to understand the difference between real eyes and false eyes if we add this explanation to our examples. In Diag. 62 the four black stones have an eye shape, but the eye will become real only if Black controls three of the four points marked 'a'. The three white stones in Diag. 62 have an eye shape on the side, but to make this a real eye White must control both of the points marked 'b'."

Main author: Tim Brent

Go for Beginners last edited by CardMagi on February 23, 2023 - 19:31
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