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My name is [ext] Neil Stevens and I've been playing the game since late July 2003. I have been known to play on KGS as Neil, I tried IGS for a few games as neil, I tried NNGS once as neil, and I am trying DGS as NeilStevens, but Designing a Go Server of my own to get the open protocol of NNGS combined with the decent rulesets of KGS would be nice.

You can contact me via email or Jabber at [email]

Thought for the day

I'd ordinarily have named [ext] Dragon Probe something Japanese for flavor, but I think we need to develop an English-language Go jargon for the game to grow popular with people unacquainted and uninterested with any of China, Japan, or Korea. So, I used English to avoid conficting with my pet issue.

Old thought for the day

Playing only those quick games got boring. I'll try Dragon Go Server, I suppose. The KGS account will stay unrated.

Given how many people report that KGS ratings become unresponsive over time, I'm probably better off if I let that account stay unrated long enough that I lose the rating.

(By the way, it seems to have taken 2 weeks of Free play to lose the rating. I don't know whether my games before the layoff would count when determining my new rating, though.)

Old thought for the day

Instead of beating up on myself for playing too fast, I've decided I should just stop playing slow games (my usual time settings are 25:00 + 5 * 1:00 periods). I'll probably enjoy it more. So I just turned off my rating on KGS (since I don't play fast games rated) and now only play 1:00 + 5 * 0:10 games.

Sure, Bad Habits are bad, but I'm no longer going to allow myself to get frustrated at having them. I haven't put in any study of the game in months anyway (unless you count clicking through a few professional title games once in a while, or reading a little bit on here), so worrying about playing too quickly is stupid.

Old thought for the day

Territory scoring on Go servers considered harmful

Neil last edited by Neil on June 18, 2004 - 10:49
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