3nd annual tournament on Dragon Go Server.
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You can enter in Open and/or Handicap division.
In each division, players are divided into pools and play simultaneously against all others in their pool.
Top players in each pool advance to next round until the last one determines the winners.
The first round for the Open division and the first round for the Handicap division started in January 2007. The second round for the Open division has started in July 2007, as the second round for the handicap division.
All games have to be started soon after pool setup.
1 Tinhore 2 Valdor 3 Davos
1 shade 2 asterixnon 3 MatCauthon
Rules as follows:
- Handicap: none, all games even with nigiri
- Komi: 6.5
- Board: 19 x 19
- Time: 3 months per player no byo-yomi
- Rated: yes
- Clock runs on weekends: yes
- Rounds: 2
- Pools: 7 pools of 13 players. Top 2 player of each pool to progress to round 2.
- Games unstarted by the 31st of january will count as a loss for both players, reminders will be sent about that.
A solid rank is needed to enter handicap division
Rating will be fixed using actual rating of each one when tournament will start
- Handicap: Conventional handicap reduced by 2, limited to 9 stones
- Komi: 6.5 if even game, 0.5 if not even game
- Board: 19 x 19
- Time: 3 months per player no byo-yomi
- Rated: yes
- Clock runs on weekends: yes
- Rounds: 2
- Pools: 6 pools of 12/13 players. Top 2 player of each pool to progress to round 2.
- Games unstarted by the 31st of january will count as a loss for both players, reminders will be sent about that.
Registered participants
The registration for the dragon tourney 2007 is now over.
Name Notes 1 xxc 7kxxc 2 hatt 7k
hatt 3 dmg 13k
dmg 4 Razorflame 26k
Razorflame 26-29k 5 Chariot 6k
Chariot 6 audra 11k
audra 7 trafalmadorian 8k
trafalmadorian 8 Valdor 3k
Valdor 9 Migeru 9k
Migeru 10 Walin 10k
Walin 11 Erge 21k
Erge 12 Firzen_Zero 26k
Firzen_Zero 13 Benedictu5 22k
Benedictu5 14 woord stoker 6k
stoker 15 Phelan 18k
Phelan 16 Tyr 10k
Tyr 17 Jaime 8k
Jaime 18 Bar 26k
Bar 19 SqueakyRat 5k
SqueakyRat 20 Nikolai Vasenin 9k
Venn 21 Teq Go 9k
Tequs 22 Jarmo Ahosola 7k
Ithelog 23 kunpeng 4k
kunpeng 24 laktagoga 29k
laktagoga 25 wallyjburger 13k
wallyjburger 26 sngrfxz 13k
sngrfxz 27 reed338 11k
reed338 28 mlaustin1 24k
mlaustin1 29 Thom27 9k
Thom27 30 Fougere 4k
Fougere 31 micthor 11k
micthor 32 redterror 18k
redterror 33 allfather 8k
allfather 34 c_plante 30k
c_plante Probably closer to 24k 35 ygrek 16k
ygrek 36 krinid 12k
krinid 37 shade 26k
shade 38 jogie 7k
jogie 39 MatCauthon 10k
MatCauthon 40 grommit 16k
grommit 41 Striker 9k
Striker 42 estoy 18k
estoy 43 csanders 16k
csanders 44 kidicculus 6k
kidicculus 45 cdo4 15k
cdo4 46 naptod 3k
naptod 47 senbazuru 1k
senbazuru 48 dagibbs 7k
dagibbs 49 priquas 21k
priquas 50 Filip 4d
Filip 51 switch 4k
switch 52 lschua 6k
lschua 53 asterixnon 4k
asterixnon 54 oslito 14k
oslito 55 TomGeiger? 18k
TomGeiger 56 Reemi 8k
Reemi 57 davos 5d
davos 58 EricBackus 5k
EricBackus 59 tinhore 2d
tinhore 60 Steve 12k
ssa438 61 toporagno 25k
toporagno 62 pkotla 10k
pkotla 63 Beany_one 18k
Beany_one New player; rank's probably wrong. 64 Bill Tür 23k
billtuer 65 Ryzours 13k
Ryzours 66 Dima 17k
Dima 67 Serac 3k
Serac 68 Ministrom 4k
Ministrom 69 Jouni Valkonen 3k
Valkoinen 70 Marigo 3k
marigo 71 Pickwick 30k
pickwick Also new player; rank may be wrong. 72 Cutronik 13k
cutronik 73 or2win 1d
or2win 74 whiterabbit 13k
whiterabbit 75 McMurphy? 29k
McMurphy 76 Snakebite 10k
Snakebite 77 Hooj 5k
hooj 78 Araldo 3k
Araldo 79 Lordyears 9k
Lordyears 80 cavatappi5 11k
cavatappi5 81 ypercube 16k
ypercube 82 iii 6k
iii 83 eeblahmo 16k
eeblahmo 84 Androxylo 10k
Androxylo 85 lefrog 8k
lefrog 86 cognominal 13k
properler 87 Carmen 14k
Carmen 88 joshual000 3k
joshual000 89 salkkuman 16k
salkkuman 90 tym 5k
tym 91 lenius 1d
The registration for the dragon tourney 2007 is now over.
Rated Name Rank Games Notes 1 Razorflame 26k 2422Razorflame 2 cavatappi5 10k 2228
cavatappi5 3 allfather 8k 727
allfather 4 mlaustin1 24k 595
mlaustin1 5 Hooj 5k 566
hooj 6 xxc 7k 529
xxc 7 Major Tom 18k 452
major_tom 8 inier 14k 445
inier 9 Jonboy 17k 408
Jonboy 10 wallyjburger 13k 368
wallyjburger 11 c_plante 27k 346
c_plante 12 grommit 18k 297
grommit 13 lefrog 8k 287
lefrog 14 cognominal 13k 267
properler 15 Nikolai Vasenin 8k 242
Venn 16 vkitzing 12k 239
vkitzing 17 Bill Tür 23k 220
billtuer 18 krinid 12k 191
krinid 19 reed338 11k 182
reed338 20 lschua 6k 182
lschua 21 Jaime 8k 170
Jaime 22 Reemi 7k 164
reemi 23 estoy 18k 160
estoy 24 priquas 21k 150
priquas 25 Scarry 7k 148
Scarry 26 iii 6k 127
iii 27 madamecp 9k 126
madamecp 28 lenius 1d 121
lenius 29 leu 7k 119
leu 30 Snakebite 10k 118
snakebite 31 Walin 10k 117
Walin 32 Benedictu5 20k 117
Benedictu5 33 oslito 14k 115
oslito 34 ToadBoy 16k 106
toadboy 35 BenAxelrod 17k 104
BAxelrod 36 naptod 3k 98
naptod 37 Phelan 18k 94
Phelan 38 or2win 1d 90
or2win 39 tiger59 14k 87
tiger59 40 BaghwanB 16k 86
BaghwanB 41 sbszine 17k 80
sbszine 42 tedernst 25k 79
tedernst 43 Firzen_Zero 24k 77
Firzen_Zero 44 SqueakyRat 5k 75
SqueakyRat 45 dagibbs 7k 72
dagibbs 46 redterror 17k 69
redterror 47 sngrfxz 13k 66
sngrfxz 48 Lordyears 9k 65
lordyears 49 tym 5k 63
tym 50 pompboy 22k 54
pompboy 51 bmoore 30k 47
bmoore 52 EricBackus 5k 45
EricBackus 53 Jarmo Ahosola 6k 45
ithelog 54 jtk 17k 45
jtk 55 ygrek 16k 41
ygrek 56 vbhands 8k 41
vbhands 57 Tyr 9k 38
Tyr 58 Carmen 13k 37
carmen 59 Teq Go 9k 36
tequs 60 morleron 26k 33
morleron 61 retesz 8k 32
retesz 62 Filip 4d 29
filip 63 salkkuman 16k 26
salkkuman 64 Striker 9k 24
striker 65 Trollo 20k 24
trollo 66 MatCauthon 10k 23
matcauthon 67 amikula 6k 18
amikula 68 Epelo 20k 18
epelo 69 White Sorceress 26k 17
White Sorceress 70 cutronik 13k 17
cutronik 71 csanders 14k 14
csanders 72 Duke Garland 24k 13
duke_garland 73 asterixnon 4k 9
asterixnon 74 Dima 17k 8
dima 75 ypercube 16k 6
ypercube 76 Migeru 8k 5
Migeru 77 shade 25k 2
The registration for the dragon tourney 2007 is now over.