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Player on OGS (as arkiuat).

I was first taught the game in Coffman Memorial Union by a wonderful man who was the strongest player at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis) Go Club in 1987. I am sad that I have since forgotten his name: it would be fun to have another game with him sometime.

After a long time of playing little if at all, in December 2003, I began playing on IGS. Around that time I began teaching a close friend of mine, who knew little of the game when we began. That friend has since outranked me by a few stones for many years, and during that time taught me back. (We mostly played on KGS and DGS.) Since 2009, I've been in Minneapolis, but haven't managed to connect with the local club more than once in that time.

I've begun playing on OGS again as of September 2023.


My old DGS rating graph still survives as of 2023, although I haven't played there for over a decade (during which time I've been stuck around 11k).

my current Go rating at Dragon Go Server

arkuat last edited by arkuat on October 9, 2023 - 18:03
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