DGS Bots
Keywords: Online Go
The Dragon Go Server seems to have far less bots than KGS does. These bots are known:
Active Bots
- White Robot which is based on GnuGo (3.8) and rated around 9 kyu (as of June 2016).
- Green Robot which runs MoGo and rated around 5 kyu (as of August 2017).
- Oakfoam Bot which runs Oakfoam (version 0.2.1-dev) and rated 4 dan (as of August 2017).
- Rayon Bot which runs Rayon? (version 8.0.1) and rated 6 dan (as of August 2017).
- Orego Bot which runs Orego (version 7.08) and rated 14 kyu (as of August 2017).
Inactive Bots
- Mogo Robot which is based on MoGo and rated 8kyu (as of April 2012).
- Fuego (19x19) which is based on Fuego (version 1.1+) and rated 2 kyu (as of June 2016).
- Fuego (9x9) which is based on Fuego (version 1.1+) and rated 1 dan (as of June 2016).
- Fuego (13x13) which is based on Fuego (version 1.1+) and rated 1 kyu (as of June 2016).
- Leela v 0.9.0 which is based on Leela (version 0.9.0) and rated 3 dan (as of February 2017).
Old Bots
(These bots have not been active since 2010)
- Go Figure ( DGS account) was a clustered GnuGo
- Gnu Go was based on GnuGo, but wasn't active for very long
- GnuGo_robot was based on GnuGo 3.6
- Kôukaku kidôutai which is based on GnuGo (3.7.12), and is rated 11kyu.
- MoGo le robot which is based on MoGo, and is unrated.
- Dragon Go Bot was based on GnuGo 3.7.9
- monptibot was based on GnuGo 3.7.12
- Weak / fast version of mogo was based on MoGo